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Hmm... what to do to the engine.

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Well i now feel the need to do some engine mods to my Z and was wondering what would be best. I know abut the basic cold air intake and stuff like that but i was wondering what would give me the most overal power and good running engine that is reliable. The engine has 150k miles on it and runs really crappy, still gotta get around to fine tuning it. I searched an MSA book i had and couple VB magazines but nothing really caught my interest that wasnt 30000 dollars. Overal i want my cali 280z to be a smooth running, quick, reliable z. I dont want constant power but i want some there when i need it. Any input is welcome!

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First thing , a good tune up and get the engine running as it should. From there , horse power costs money, how fast do you want to SPEND ? You might look into either cleaning the injectors or replaceing them , if they are the origional parts . You can lower the gearing in the diff. This will give you more off the line . You are most likely running 3.36 to 1 gears now if you have a manual tranny . Autos run 3.54s , not a great difference but you will maintain the top end and crusing ability on the freeway . If you have a automatic look to 3.70s . personally for a street cruser , I dont want to go any lower for my application . But I am an old dude. The gain with a cold air set up is vary little in actual numbers. There is a local guy here in Portland that does some trick things to the injection systime that really wakes them up . I will see if I can come up with his name and contact information . A Z driver I know just recently had him do some work on his car and I am VARY impressed with the outcome so far. I just saw the engine this past week and havent driven or ridden in his car yet. We are getting into the rainy season here in Oregon and most of us Z drivers are putting our cars away for winter . Gary

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