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Was messing around the other night with Excel as I was trying to think of a way to track with any degree of certainty where I was at with various areas on the Z. At any rate I came up with several spreadsheets that tie in with the microfiche CD. (Plug for the Zcar club CD) Thought I'd throw one out here for all to see...feel free to use it if you think it will help you out. Also have several other spreadsheets made up dealing with various sections of the microfiche...(I.E - Front suspension (Fiche 90-1), Rear suspension (92-1), Fuel Tank (39-1), ...etc...etc) if anyone is interested I'll post the other spreadsheets. Just blank out the √ marks and any other info you might want to change and save it to your storage device of choice.


Fiche 44-1 (Engine Mounting).xls

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That's pretty cool. How many of those did you make up? I might add a column for the part number and the cost of the replacement part or the restoration cost of the part with a cost summary. For instance, I bought used 'D' hubcaps. I'm going to restore them incurring a chrome and painting cost. I might track time for the work to restore a piece. You have a real nice idea going.


Just an idea - if you put all of the sheets in the same xls file you will be able to do some neat stuff with totals etc. and also have it much more organised - well IMO anyway. Nice though, something that I would definitley use if I restore a Z.


And Thank-You for having saved it in Excel 97 format.

Would love to see the other sheets you've done. Maybe we can all colaborate and add the items that Chris mentioned.

As far as putting them all in the same workbook, remember that that would increase the file size, which would be a burden for those of our members on dial-up connections. You can do the same interconnectivity between the sheets with workbooks. You just need to keep in the same directory and not change the names of the individual files.


Meh, all in one file = better. .....

I agree with you...now. But for the first few years at this house you could only get a 28k modem connection. When they finally upgraded the phone lines we could get 48k, and finally a few years later DSL. That made me very conscious of file sizes on downloads.

Granted phone connections are fast becoming non-existent, but parts of the world STILL have that as their only option.




So far I've got about 7 made up with one I just started on. Fiche 26-1 (emission control), 39-1 (fuel tank), 44-1 (engine mounting), 91-1 (rear axle & drive train) << currently inwork >>, 38-1 (fuel pump), 40-1 (fuel piping), 90-1 (front suspension), 92-1 (rear suspension)

I've pretty much just been printing out the various sections from the microfiche and going thru them line for line and adding it into the spreadsheet a little at the time. Seems to help out quite a bit for tracking purposes, as you can pretty much tell just by looking at the spreadsheet what still needs to be done and where. Helps out in the overall plan also because you can make the decision up front as to what you are going to do with an item (I.E. - Repair, Replace, Repaint, Replate....etc....etc)

I got the basic idea from one of the posts I had seen a while back. Someone had made up a spreadsheet to track nuts/bolts that they were buying from Midwest Z. So I'm sort of thinking to myself...wonder how that would work for the microfiche...So I've been plugging away at it when I can get the time....


Yea, I remember the nut and bolt spreadsheet. I'll bet if I look around, I still have that. You are on to something, webdawg, if you saw my files...

As a point of interest, while doing research on the Vintage Z program, I found Nissan did something similar. Printed out, the spreadsheet is 18 pages long. It details all the parts that were used for the restoration of indiviual cars. That is where I got the cost idea from.

Thanks for all your work!


I'm very interested to see what this developes in to! I like the idea of one file and being able to do more calculations. I also like the idea of part numbers and prices...however prices change often enough that maintaining this would be a headache.

I was talking about the paid price for a part or paint and sand paper materials or a restoration service such as a chrome shop so that I could keep track of how much spending is going on. Actually, I really don't know if I want to know, but it would be nice.

For example, I bought a correct alternator for $30 on eBay. It cost me another $5 to get it. Then I took it down to an alternator shop and paid $95 to have it restored. The front pulley and fan were so corroded that I had to replace them so I bought two trashed alternators for another $5 just for the fans and pulleys. After they were stripped and re-plated, they were fitted to my restored original. Then I bought a new electrical connector for the wires - $3. I have over fifteen hours in labor, probably drove a dozen miles or so picking things up and dropping them off at different shops. Indirectly, there is the cost of a beer or two involved. So you see? How much did the alternator cost me? Maybe I'm getting too anal.


Here's my suspension hardware spreadsheet I used to order replacement parts from midwest z. Shows p/n from the microfiche and the superceeding number available now (or actually 2 years ago), along with the microfiche sheet nubmers and ref numbers in the columns on the right. I can attach an excel if anyone wants it but need to know the format.

i took the price columns out but they could be added.

MPerdue NOV03 Order MWZ1.pdf

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