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Does anyone know how to test the auxillary air valve for operation. I am having problems with the idle at warm up, and I think that might be my cause.

My symtems are when I start it it will idle but when I step on the gas it goes up and when I let go it will act like it is going to die. This is only during warm up.

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You don't even have to do that. The engine should be idling high when you start it totally cold. After a few minutes the idle should come down. If it doesn't, squeeze the hose on the air valve ( on the throttle body side) with pliers( to stop the air flow), and the idle should come down. That means it's not closing.

Yours must be stuck closed then, or something blocking the hose someplace. If you take the hose going to the throttle body boot off, the idle should go up.

Otherwise, probably time for a new one. Check that you have power at the plug with the engine on.

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