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Australian Classic Cars magazine has their cover story on a nice Kalihari (sp?) Tan 240z. They mention a bit of Nissan/Datsun history, but true to form get caught up in the "Goertz Myth" pretty early on.

Nice car though...

Anyone want to send 'em a letter of correction?

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I wonder if a mass correction to all motoring writers in OZ could be arranged?????

Perhaps with Alan T's help, a press release could be arranged.

Thankfully the editor of ARN has a rally prepared zed and is aware of the history, one down and "x" to go...

go Rick go.....


Yeh, go Rick go :) Actually most modern articles about the early Zeds appear to be steals from previous stuff. Nothing new, same old, same old, and the myths and misinformation get perpetuated.

The one that really annoys me is the one about the 280ZX being fat. It was actually lighter in total than the US 280Z IIRC, the bare body was lighter than the S30's, it was only the extra comfort and legally required equipment that pushed the total weight up.

Gareth and the rest of you,

This is what I wrote.

Being the owner of a "Refreshed" 260Z Sports Coupe, I found your article to be well written and informative. James Flett can be justly proud of his beautifully restored car.

However, you may be interested to know that many members of the international Z Car community disagree with some of your comments regarding the history of the Z Car.

Should you be interested in obtaining an entirely different point of view as to the developement of the 240Z, written by long standing and respected Z Car enthusiasts who have carried out their own investigation, I suggest you log onto www.zhome.com and scroll down the left hand side to "The True History Of The Z Car", paying particular attention to "The Goertz Myth".

While I fully expect that you will completely disregard this email, placing it in the "It's a load of crap" file, as I believe many other Z Car authors have done, I hope you prove me wrong and do a little investigative journalism.

Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed your article and was pleased to see it placed so prominently in this great magazine.

Rick O'Brien.

How's that?????????????? good enough????????? now let's wait and see IF I get an answer.


:devious: :devious:

Well, .. whatdoyaknow,

I've received an answer from the author of the article !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached to it was quite a nice email from the magazine to him, suggesting he reply to me.

UNFORTUNATELY, being an old fart who is just barely computer literate, I couldn't figure out how to attach the emails to this post, :stupid: :stupid: so I've sent them to Mike, asking him to do the honours for me.

Sorry to keep you all in suspenders, ROFLROFL


:devious: :devious:

Well, now,

Until Mike posts the responding email for me, this is the crux of the reply.

Firstly, the Australian Classic Car Mag. contacted the author and said, in part;

My letter was "FRIENDLY", worth investigating and responding. and;

They checked out Zhome and found it well organised.

The author said;

He had "HEARD" that Count Goertz may have been a little liberal with the truth. He also said;He went to Zhome and printed off a "STACK OF PAGES" to read and will get back to me again.

Interesting HUH ???????????????


:devious: :devious:

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