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I have been told that to solve the gauge problem, use a sender from a fairlady roadster. Supposedly MSA sells it and they will know what you need if you call them.

Well, that depends on your definition of "solve".

I heard that story and I bought the roadster sender & installed it on my L24. Now, when I turn on the ignition (key turned to the first detent) I can observe the oil pressure gauge needle rise to well above the "0" mark on the gauge long before I engage the starter to "start" the engine.

Yes, at idle the oil pressure gauge needle shows a more positive reading; but my common sense (and the observation of the needle rising to above "0" before the engine is even running) tells me that the actual pressure has not been changed one iota by the substitution of a different sender than the gauge was intended to pair up with.

So ya, if the appearance of the needle being higher on the gauge scale makes you feel better, then the roadster sender is a miracle fix for this issue. On the other hand, if you want more (real) oil pressure, get a high pressure/high volume oil pump.

Well, that depends on your definition of "solve".

I heard that story and I bought the roadster sender & installed it on my L24. Now, when I turn on the ignition (key turned to the first detent) I can observe the oil pressure gauge needle rise to well above the "0" mark on the gauge long before I engage the starter to "start" the engine.

Yes, at idle the oil pressure gauge needle shows a more positive reading; but my common sense (and the observation of the needle rising to above "0" before the engine is even running) tells me that the actual pressure has not been changed one iota by the substitution of a different sender than the gauge was intended to pair up with.

So ya, if the appearance of the needle being higher on the gauge scale makes you feel better, then the roadster sender is a miracle fix for this issue. On the other hand, if you want more (real) oil pressure, get a high pressure/high volume oil pump.

thats what I figured, its more for peace of mind. But the real question is, with the stock sender, is the oil pressure really low, or is it fine? Could just be that corrosion on 30-35year old wire has built up enough resistance to lower the signal. I'm pretty sure that all of us with the indications don't have low oil pressure.

Its not just corrosion or resistance, as this was a common issue when these cars (240Z's) were new.

my opinion (and that is all that it is) is that it's a poor design or quality issue with the manufacture of the gauge or sender.

I am also sure that we all don't have really low oil pressure.

I have a turbo pump and my running, hot pressure with an "all new" engine is 50#. What I was concerned about was the volumn. I do not care about high pressure. I DO care about volumn with my P90A head. I agree that we do not have low pressure. We have serviceable pressure that makes these engines run forever. As long as the needle still moves when I start it, all is well!

There were 2 different "models" of oil sender as well.

These needed to be matched up to the correct gauge or as you have found there is little indication of oil pressure.

I believe the early model [the one you need] is no longer available and the only solution is to use a compatible gauge from an older zed...



just remember the oil gage is just that a gage If you really are concerned buy a cheep mchanical gage and connect it to the same port the present sender is mounted . This will tell you exactly what is going on. My gage on my Z with ZX engine and a turbo pump , after warm up hardly shows any pressure at idle and mid area while driving. The gage shows 25 psi at idle and 50 ,which is the relief setting , at 2 K . And I agree with the 10w30 for all season , at least here on the LEFT coast. Gary

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