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Has anyone used this before. My neighbor sugested using this when I do spot work instead of using typical rattle can laquer primer which I found out does not work well with urethane bc/cc system. It is also in a rattle can but he said it is more compatable , basically 2k epoxy in a can I guess. I just have a few (dozen)spots to putty and smooth out before the repaint if spring ever comes and would hate to mix a 2k epoxy then cleanup gun for spot work. It's amazing how the impefections show up once the clearcoat goes on.

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I would check with the paint supplier that you buy the top coat from as to which is compatable , just to be sure . You don't want to find out after the car is painted and the paint starts pealing or checking. If you are just covering bare metal and will be sanding it all off then no worries . My .02c

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I use PPG Omni and there's only one place around here that supplies it. The guy is ok but has given me wrong info before. Dosn't want to waste time on a newbie, especially when purchasing a bottom line paint.My neighbor is a body shop owner but never used Omni before. I guess I should shoot a scrap piece of 24ga using a HD aerosol 6oz fill and spray deals while I wait for the snow to melt. Thanks.

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Hi Jim, I used PPG Omni AU to primer and paint my Z. I had to fix a couple of dents in the doors & fenders and used rattle can primer. When I was ready to paint the car I started by spraying a coat of PPG Omni MP180 sealer. Check out PPG's website (http://www.ppg.com/cr-refinish/phase1/frmFindProduct.asp), you can download the product information sheets that have all the information on mixing, drying time, compatable substrates, etc...

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