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Famed Primadonna Designer/Builder Jack Atkinson appears to be back in the

saddle (or Recaro, as it were) again.

Jack, and his wife Yolanda designed ,and built the wild 240Z based Primadonna cars of the late seventies.

Well the bug bite again!

Jack has just completed a new car based on a mid 90's 300zx convertible. Having personally seen the car, my comments would start, and end with "WOW!!".

Wide body modifications included widening the core support for correct headlight placement. Combined with other details, the package projects a factory Supercar look.

A huge ground effects diffuser in the rear compliments the added width the wide body creates.

Though more sedate that the Primadonna's of the 70's, the car definitely maintains a fresh , muscular Supercar look. Black in color, typical photography is difficult to truly illustrate the lines. I expect good photo's to be forth coming.

However in the meantime, if you happen to be in the

California bay area, at a Z meet, and see a wild black 300 ragtop, it'll be Jack.

Then, and Now photo's attached.



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I was privledged to see the vert at an unofficial unveiling this past Saturday and it's truly awsome. I never had the privledge of seeing one of the original primadonna's, but there is a website of a show at Stanford Nissan (Datsun at the time?) where photos of a white one are shown.

Additional photo's @


Of the original 3 Primadonnas built only 1 (the red one pictured) is unaccounted for. Anyone that might know where the "Red Car" is, please let me know. I know that Jack would be interested in knowing.



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