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I wanted to say thanks to all of you who have raved, bragged, and given good and great reviews about the "headlight relay upgrade harness"

I just spent 2 hours looking over every forum on headlights, harness's and anything else pertaining to the subject. I read more than a few reviews out loud to my wifeand she said "you must be doing something right, for them to write all that and even defend your harness to others".

Few more things...

Jim Coffey, You check was recieved and your "parking light harness goes in the mail today. Thanks for being the first on this new venture of mine.

Bryan Pilati, Thank you soooooo much for your patience, Your harness is boxed and being shipped out today.

Bryan Ray, I got your money order and your harness's should be in the mail by mid next week (around the 2/1/06)

Thanks again to every one who has been involved in any way, shape or form in the ordering, making, and reviews of the headlight and parking light harness's.

Much love and appreciation,

Dave in WA. State.

I made an order this morning and should get some more parts by tomorrow afternoon. I'm working on it. Keep the orders coming, I have'nt worked for my other boss in a couple of weeks now. So this is my only income, and it keeps me at home where I should be.

Thanks guys,


Got some bad news, My supplier just called and said that the order that I made on thursday morning did'nt go out all day long, Some B.S. with the shipping department.

So he said that the order went out today and will most likely NOT be here till MONDAY!! May not seem like a big deal to most, but I really wanted to get them made and DELIVERED to you guys on Monday.

So, we're already getting delays, damnit :mad:

Sorry guys,


SavannahZ- Your harness will be mailed out tomorrow.

Ron Stevens- Your harness will be mailed out tomorrow.

Thank you both for your orders, they were both prompt and appreciated.

I'll try to keep doing it this way so you can check here to see if your order has been filled. It also keeps you from having to personally write me and then wait for a responce.

It's kinda like an on-line order tracking system, nah, not really:D


UPDATE: both were shipped on (1-28-06)

Garth, (Montoya_Fan01) When I ship your harness's out to you, should I put anything like

"C/O Garth _-_-_-_" ?? I don't know your last name nor did you put it anywhere on the package or anything else. Email me with that info please.

Gary of Spokane, WA. If all goes well, I should be able to ship your harness out tomorrow.

Gary of Oroville, WA. Same thing but on both harness's.

Bryan Ray, Most likely tomorrow as well.

Any one else interested in the harness can E-mail me at wolfin32z@yahoo.com

I'll get back to you A.S.A.P.

Thanks guys,


Just wanted to say thanks for the fast shipping and the excellent quality product. Now that I have installed both of your wiring harnesses I can see much more clearly. The install was very easy and I'm glad in the end that I didn't have to cut into any existing wiring. I brought my wife outside for a second opinion and did the before and after setup and we both noticed a substantial increase in not only the parking lights, but the dash lights as well.

Thanks again,


Just wanted to say thanks for the fast shipping and the excellent quality product. Now that I have installed both of your wiring harnesses I can see much more clearly. The install was very easy and I'm glad in the end that I didn't have to cut into any existing wiring. I brought my wife outside for a second opinion and did the before and after setup and we both noticed a substantial increase in not only the parking lights, but the dash lights as well.

Thanks again,



That is one of the most complete positive feedbacks I've ever gotten. Thank you very much, I think I'm blushing:love:

You hit all the highlights. You mentioned shipping, ease of install, It's benefits, and after all that, you even got a second opinion on there as well.

I'm SOOOO happy that you're happy with the product. There is no better advertisement than "word of mouth" Thank you, to all who have said good things about the harness's I make and the way I do business. My mother was right when she said "Do unto others as you would have done unto you"

It's the best philosophy when running a small business. She also said "If you make a product, Make a quality product that even YOU would want to buy"

She knows how damn picky I can be.

You're all very welcome and THANK YOU ALL again!


Gary of Oroville, WA. Same thing but on both harness's.

Bryan Ray, Most likely tomorrow as well.

Sorry guys, U.P.S. is now officially on my sh_t list. I wont get the parts I needed to finish your harness's till wednesday. Which means I'll be able to finish them that night and get them out the door on thursday.

David Honeycutt, Your harness should go out on Tuesday, if I get a chance.

Joseph Davis, Your harness should also go out on Tuesday, if I get a chance.

Garth, your harness's will be shipped when I ship David's and Joseph's.

Sorry for the small delay! Thanks again Jonathan,

Ron stevens- you should have yours by now, Let us know how it went.


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