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Which year 280z S30 would you recommend?

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Hi Dave ..

I bought a 77 280 last year and after selling my Prelude that was my daily driver (I was offered way too much money to turn it down) I was forced to make the 280 my daily. It is almost untouched since 77. I took out the auto and put in a 5speed (easy job) and have since taken out the FI and installed rebuilt SU's. I had an non-run/start fault we could not track that was clearly in the electrics somewhere and I decided the FI system was not really a good system to start with so out it went. The car needs all new suspension and I think there are u-joints going. I drive to work every day with it (40 min drive to work and 40 mins home) and I am totaly amazed at how nice this car is to drive (even in the state it is in) I can sit on 120 kms with no vibration or noise and it is perfectly smooth. These cars are very well built cars.

With the SU's and the 5 spd I now have more HP than I had and I am getting better MPG. I also have a very reliable car that if I do have a problem with it it will be very easy to fix. Simple .. fuel or spark. Very easy to track these issues ... not easy with FI and all the electrical crap that goes with it.

Here is a question for you all. Do you think I have de-valued my car buy putting the SU's on it?

Cheers all ...Bruce

As noted in the Service Bulletin, Vol.220, Introduction of Datsun 280Z Model S30 Series (1975 Models)

On page 40; All California models feature a catalytic converter. In addition, these models are equipped with a floor temperature sensor which monitors any abnormal floor temperature rise."

On page 97; NON-CALIFORNIA MODELS "On the non-California model, the premuffler has been installed in place of the catalyzer. This unit is not equipped with any heat-shield plates."

Note: Gross Vehicle Weight (sorry, I don't have the 1978 Numbers, as I don't have that Bulletin)

1975 - 3175 lb.

1976 - 3185 lb.

1977 - 3185 lb.

have 82 5 speed, clutch cyl seeps but she has good tires and brakes, runs great too but she has to go,,,,,,,,,,,,and has some bod cancer from being close to san diego coast..........take her off my hands and with a little tinkering she could work out for you.......Rod @ 619-807-1391

Whatever one you can find with the least amount of rust!

I prefer my wife's 1976 Z over my rusty 1978 Z just because I have a hope of restoring hers. I've rebuilt everything on mine and in the process have been able to see just how bad the rust is. I'm looking for a new body at this point.

We do like the look of the hood vents from the 77/78.

does my 1976 cali 280z need to have the catylitc converter on it? or does it even need to pass emissions. i was told it was 1984 and newer in massachusetts for ur vehicle to need to pass emissions.

In CA, the car needs to be 75 or older to be exempt from smog regulations.

I have a 76 BMW that is sitting ROTTING because of this stupid law that the DMV has. It used to be that the car had to be 30 years old or older, no longer (of course they changed the law the year before my car was to be exempt!).

[edit] oops, I missed the part that you were in Mass.

Whatever one you can find with the least amount of rust!

I prefer my wife's 1976 Z over my rusty 1978 Z just because I have a hope of restoring hers. I've rebuilt everything on mine and in the process have been able to see just how bad the rust is. I'm looking for a new body at this point.

We do like the look of the hood vents from the 77/78.

Where are you located, HizAndHerz?

I was just at the rocklin pick and pull on Saturday and there was a nice bodied (just a small amount of cancer in the tail and the hood and front wheel well)73. It had an L28 block with the 240 skin. Easy to swap the 280 hood!


Dogma, my prediction is that you will get bit by the WIAI bug


Ken, what is this bug? Remember, I own a 72 240z that has been a virtual money pit, so I know about that. I just get tired of doing the 5 speed day in and day out, and the wife refuses to use a manual (girls!)...

No ZXs sorry, and I'm not ready right this second to purchase. Just looking and asking, thanks everyone for the questions.

One question:

Why was the rear deck raised up on the 77-78 (or if I'm wrong, why is everything, such as the rear taillight panel and carpet, different than the rest)....

My 240 has fat tires, and as a daily driver, I don't particularly like shifting and parking lot steering every single freaking day (I use my cell phone a lot, 99% in the shifting Z with my bluetooth headset, but still, manuals suck for cell phones)...I love her, and I'll keep her until my son is about 45 or 50 years old and then hand it off....would be nervous before then.

As far as the big bumpers, doesn't matter what year, they are all ugly (in comparison to my 72)...I had a big bumper 260z, so I've had the rounded look ones, I think I want to try the 77-78 style (I kinka like the body colored panel right under the taillights). I would keep it a sleeper, all stock on the outside. Just basic engine upgrades and keep it in tune, and NWcubsman, I will probably take it through DEQ for a free emission test from time to time, as if it passes, the car is healthier anyways (no DEQ in Dayton, where I live). You never know though, chances are all states will be like California eventually, and when Oregon decides they want more tax money (like any day knowing Oregon) they will make DEQ testing mandatory state-wide...they've been talking about that anyways for a long time as it is. Surprised they haven't done it yet, actually.

It is nice that my 72 doesn't have to go through emissions...though it was always odd that they locked the year at 1975...I mean, does that mean in the year 2050 that a 76 280z needs to pass emissions? Stupid man, Stupid.

I actually just bought a house in Dayton (35 miles from Downtown Portland) and there isn't any DEQ emission testing while living out here, so emissions doesn't matter (at least right now in Oregon). I would keep it stock, with thin tires for easy steering, and has to be an automatic (already got a 77 5 speed in my 240)...automatic so for emergency backup my lady can hot rod it. As I get older, automatics seem much more likeable, and I love driving my conversion van, and it is automatic.

I don't necessarily crave the fuel injection, because from experience the SUs are about as easy as it gets to keep in tune..have never had any probs there, and I'm just about to get a 280zx dizzy so my ignition problems should disappear.

Lighting issues have all but disappeared--the 2 lighting kits from Dave I. just rock and make my 240 feel like a new car. Other than the 'defective' stock alternator, which Dave has said doesn't even operate until 1200-1500 rpm's (well it does but barely according to him)...after all the upgrades, the only issue with the charging system is that the wipers are still slow at idle (the turn signals are slower than normal at idle as well)....I plan on getting one of the Zspecialties 120amp alternators and drop in a fancy smancy 50x4 pioneer cd player (well fancy for an almost 40 year old)....more 'money pit' money...but I think the alternator would be money well spent. Zspecialties is a good company.

Thanks for reading my ramblings....

NWCubsman, I missed the last get together at janzen beach, are us Oregonians thinking of getting together anytime soon? I plan on getting a complete brake job around end of March, and then I'm good to go with my Z...it's on jacks right now getting the outer tie rods and boots replaced...passenger side tire moves a good 1/2" left to right without the tie rod moving...can you say wasted?

I love my 240z but it IS and always will be a large MONEY PIT...like in the movie...."Hey Dave, when is your Z going to be ready to drive to the MSA show?"

Me: "in 2 weeks!"

Luckily, the value keeps going up because people either wreck them, thieves stupidly steal and wreak them, or people refuse to give money to the money pit. Either way, it seems us 240z people benefit for value (esp. those with the low vin ones).


Dave, I'm down in the Eugene area, and from what I've seen it shouldn't be too hard to find a decent 280Z automatic, as long as you're patient. You want me to keep my eyes open for you?

Side benefit to an auto - The cars with autos all seemed to be in better shape than the sticks when I was looking for my 240.

Ha, Ha, Dogma, yes, I know all about the WIAI bug and the money pit! I own one, too! I think I'm at about $8k and counting, and that's with me doing most of the work. I've got all the receipts, but I'm afraid to sit down and add it all up...

On another note, my Z is an automatic. And while it may not be quite as peppy as a manual, it is convenient. And, when I want a little zip, I simply pull the shift lever back to 1, hit the gas and let it rip up to about 6k, then push the lever into 2nd. I'm up to around 50 mph by then, and taking off like a rocket!

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