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roglmao..10-4 on garage burnouts..LOL Had to do just one..I was feeling pretty good last night, because the hours of work were paying off, and I knew she had it in her..so I backed dead ctr of the garage..and tore one off..LOL no more for me..heck I'm 37..I know who pays for the tires/clutches and property damage now..LOL All right, I'm gonna burn off (some fuel) and sea foam it a time or two..It's cheap. I'm amazed, once again by the NGK difference. They are the only plug a sea doo will run well on...but why is that? Strange to me noone else can figure it out. Back when I raced briggs class go karts..champion was the only plug that would work..it's wierd to me. Oh and what do you think is up with the back cylinder? Maybe just stuck ring from sitting? I agree on the lifters..I rebuilt a 1963 volvo BB-70 inboard. I likes that little lifter song it sang. That was an awesome boat Hydrodyne 1600. But there is song, and then there is trying to sing..this lifter is a bit too tappy.LOL What did you think of the pictures?

Thanks for your help

No problem, glad you can use them. About the NGK's, I've tried just about everthing else and they seem to work the best in a Nissan L motor, 4 or 6 cyl. Adjust your valve lash as per the FSM and then try the 'through the brake booster trick' with the Seafoam. It'll smoke like crazy for a couple of minutes but it'll run much better afterwards. Your car looks to be in pretty good shape, similar to mine when I first picked it up. Mine didn't run over about 2000 rpm until I changed the gas tank however.

Yeah. You pull the hose off the brake booster and pour Seafoam down the hose then put it back on the booster. When you start the car, the vacuum pulls the Seafoam directly into the cylinders and cleans out the carbon etc. Like I said, it'll smoke like crazy for a couple of minutes then clear out.

okay man, I'm gonna do it, not just because you have been so spot on with this stuff, but because it just sounds like a cool fun thing to do.. I'm all over it like hot pants on a cheerleader..I'll let you know how it does. I decided to take a night off of Z work..gotta keep the wife and kids on my side, plus it's gonna be near 70 here on Saturday, so I'm either riding the ski with the drysuit on, or putting some miles on the Z...I need the blessing.

Well It is still having fits. It'll run like a top, then get to where it's bogging, then backfire throught the breather, then if I get the throttle down..and start pumping it will begen to clear, bog pop bog pop...then it clears and runs great...then the same thing over again...It does seem to puff off some blue smoke when ever it goes through this....I'm stumped..It's like it loads up heavy and starts to preignite...once nursed through it..it seems fine??? Got the louvers on today and the rest of my trim...need to install the logos, and rear interior next..

That one has me stumped. I've never been through that with either of my cars. I had a intermittently bad fuel injection relay on the Z once but it would die alltogether and wouldn't start again until I tapped on the relay or just let it sit for awhile.

"Just remember when you want to kill it you got it for 5 bills, then take a deep breath and let's think about this, after all it's not rocket science, maybe voodoo but not rocket science.

So basically it acts like its running out of gas intermittently? almost like a vapor lock but not?

If the fuel pressure is flucuating ie, pump eratic, that would cause your lean condition?

How about idle? Will it sit there and idle great all day?

Have you pulled one plug wire off at a time while its running and listend for any change in speed, sound, etc?

Each plug wire off causes the same change?

Could also be a weak spark every now and then.

A weak coil/spark will have same symptoms as running out of gas.

Plug wire breaking down?

Crack in dist cap arching every now and then.

Turn off all the lights in the garage at night, run engine, look for arching.

Report back."

Here's what my sea doo guys have to say about it...Just though I'd add it to show you that no matter what you intrest, man in general, think about their toys and how to make em run in almost the same way. LOL

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