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Anyone in Sacramento, CA have a Z in good condition?

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man, you guys are awesome. I posted the same info I gave you all about my accident on Zcar.com, and it became a huge flame fest, where everyone just wanted to tell me how stupid I was for driving the Z and making a left hand turn. What happened was that I found a witness (the guy who waved me on), and had him issue a statement to both insurance companies, and the witness and my statements coencided (sp?) with each other, and the other driver had no idea what happened, so her insurance company found her at fault.

Now I'm just waiting to get a call for them to come out and appraise my Z (I want them to do it on my terms, so at my house) and to hurry up and get me a rental car so that I'm not reliant on my father and my girlfriend's mother to drive me to and from work.

If you still need it, I can bring my car into work and the guy can have a look at her...

Mat, thanks for the offer. I'm not sure what's going on yet, since Farmer's loves to play phone tag, and refused to call me at work today to figure out what was going to be done in the way of taking care of the car. I may need them to take a look at your Z, I may not. It just all depends on if they want to fix the damage to my car or not. I can tell you right now that if they try to total out my Z, I'm going to raise so much hell that they won't be able to assist any other customers.

Lets just say that I'm going to walk softly, but carry a HUGE stick.

I'll keep you updated nonetheless.

The inspector from Farmer's came by today, and I went outside and bs'ed with him. He seems like a cool guy, he's been inspecting cars for 20 years, and his friend in college had a 260Z, so he understands the value and rarity of a good Z car. He said he'd try to keep it from being totaled, and that we'd work something out if need be.

Mat, I did tell him about having friends in the Z community that have cars he can take a look at (like yours) and he said he might need to if the situation permits.

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