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My birthday is tomorrow, and my dad has forgotten it is my birthday. I'm turning 20, not a big deal, but it is when you live at home and your father is absorbed into his favorite child, my adopted sister Bre. He has no idea it's my birthday tomorrow, and he's treating me like utter $^!#, like he usually does. So, because I want to get a point across, I'm not going to tell him until it's too late. He wants me to babysit Bre tomorrow so that he can go to some timeshare seminar, so I'm going to go to my girlfriend's house for dinner, and when he calls me to ask where I am and go off on me for not being home, I'm going to say "oh yeah Dad, I guess you forgot, but it's my birthday today. Since you apparently don't care enough to remember, I'm going to be in company of people who do. Since I don't want to ruin my night, I will talk to you later when I come home." Chances are that this is going to wizz him off, but I'm hoping it will make him realize that he chooses favorites, and that he has a problem when it comes to making time for his kids. I know it's cruel, but sometimes you just have to do something drastic in order for someone to realize that they have a problem.

Chances are that he's just going to make some excuse about being distracted, and that he forgot as a result (which will be totally bogus).

Am I being too harsh, or is this an appropriate way to handle the situation? I know I could be up front and tell him, but I know if I do (and I have tried before) he's just going to go off on me and tell me that I'm being overdramatic.

What do you all think? Sorry, just needed to vent.

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I'd say suck it up... but I have a different 20 yr old opinion, guess I don't care when people dont call me, which some didn't. Just remember that when it comes to his birthday... Thats what I do.. You give what you get.

Oh ya, don't babysit

I know I live under his roof, and yeah, I know I'll be 20, but still. I went and at least got him something for his birthday, and made it a big deal, and I'd like for him to respect me the same. I know I do live under his roof, but I mean it's gotten to the point lately where I don't even feel welcome in my home. When I am home, I'm on the net, researching my Z, or I'm outside working on a vehicle. Otherwise, I'm at school or work, or at my girlfriend's house. My dad has just been a huge jerk lately, almost to the point of where I'm afraid I'm going to get the living s**t beat out of me because I made him a little angry. I don't think this'll be the case tomorrow, but I'm hoping it'll be an eye opener, which it should.

and I don't mean to whine, but when it comes to favorites, Bre definitely gets put above everyone else. As an example, my father is on a tight budget, I understand that, but when he makes promises to pay for my college tuition, has the cash, and blows it on trivial things (like movies and fast food, etc.) it's not right. I needed $100 for books and whatnot for school, and he starts telling me why he can't pay for it (mortgage, insurance, electricity, etc) but yet he writes a $160 check so that my little sister can participate in some after school program once a month for 6 months. I'm guessing that means that her after school program (which was art classes, my sister is only 7) is more important than the mortgage?

As another example, I was driving my '94 Ranger (my father's, but I drive it since the Z isn't right) and the truck broke down (clutch diaphram spring broke) so I had to call my dad. This is at 6 in the morning, and I was giving my little brother a ride to school as usual. I wanted him to use his '96 Ranger to push my truck back home (we push cars with the trucks all the time), and home was about 1 1/2 miles away. He tells me that he doesn't feel like waking Bre up and putting her in the truck, so I'm screwed, and to either walk home, or to just sit in the truck until he has to take her to school (which is around 9). So, I call up a friend of mine, he gives me a ride back home, I get my Z, and go about my way. My dad could have taken 15 minutes, picked Bre out of bed, set her in the truck, drove up, pushed the truck home, and been back asleep by 6:20 by the latest, but he didn't want to wake Bre up.

I know it may seem like I'm exaggerating, but realistically, I'm not. I'm not the only one who sees what goes on (my friends, my girlfriend, her mom, etc.) and it's a reacurring problem that needs to cease.

you don't even KNOW that he forgot it (yet) Maybe he has/hasn't, but........... maybe he has other things to worry about at the moment. You can remember to "forget" his b-day if you need to get "payback".

Face it, the world doesn't revolve around you, or your birthday. Enjoy it for what it means to YOU. IOW, don't let something bum you on your day, concentrate on enjoying it the best that you can.

Maybe after a few more birthdays you'll realize that your b-day is just like any other day to most people and you cannot control who remembers or cares about it. There likely will come a time when even YOU won't care that it's your b-day.

Enjoy the dinner with those people who DO remember it (and be thankful for them) instead of dwelling on who doesn't.

Lastly, Happy Birthday in advance.

LOL, only if, fun_in_my_z, and I hope that was a joke and not sarcasm, because I'd feel like I was bitching if it was :) . Sorry to everyone if it seems like I'm whining. My childhood has been like this for as long as I remember, with my dad only being there when he felt like. Don't get me wrong, he's an awesome dad, I wouldn't trade him for anything, it's just that he's always telling me my priorities are f**ked up, when I sometimes feel like it's his instead. I'm not going to use my birthday as a revenge tool, but I am going to go out and enjoy it. If he has a problem with it, well, I guess that's too bad. I'm going to make the best of what I have, and who knows, maybe my dad does have something planned.

Montoya_fan01, I totally agree with what you are saying, and the world does not revolve around me. I guess I'd just hope that my family would at least remember my birthday, even if it's a simple happy birthday. To me, it is just another day, I'm not too excited, but I still think it'd be nice to have him remember. If he were to remember, he wouldn't be getting pissed at me today and giving me all of this stuff to do tomorrow, he'd just be more nonchalant (sp?) about it, and just ask me to watch my sister.

Thanks for the birthday wishes though, at least someone cares! ROFL

nah, no hard feelings. I did feel like I was bitching though. I got my Z as a present for getting my license. I had already known the Z was mine, it was just a period of time until it was given to me. I'm all distraught about the Z, and the fact that I wrecked it right before my birthday, so lets just hope that the insurance company doesn't total it, because that'd be a shitty birthday present.

Montoya_fan01, I totally agree with what you are saying, and the world does not revolve around me. I guess I'd just hope that my family would at least remember my birthday, even if it's a simple happy birthday. To me, it is just another day, I'm not too excited, but I still think it'd be nice to have him remember. If he were to remember, he wouldn't be getting pissed at me today and giving me all of this stuff to do tomorrow, he'd just be more nonchalant (sp?) about it, and just ask me to watch my sister.

Thanks for the birthday wishes though, at least someone cares! ROFL

Hey man, I do understand the feelings you have (been there, done that); you reminded me OF me in my younger years. Looking back, I wish I had just enjoyed what I had instead of letting the negitive stuff affect me as much as it did.

If he does forget, realize that there will come a time that HE wishes he hadn't forgotten. HIS LOSS.

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