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To those that have responded to my classified ads for parts I want to apoligize for my delayed response.I know it may sound silly to some but we found out recently my littlest buddy and road trip companion picking up z's across the country was diagnosed with a terminel blood disorder last week. According to his doctor he could pass on at any time.It could be tomorrow or in a week. He doesnt know when. The hardest part is Sam acts normal and still take rides. Its just something wrong with his blood. All I have to do is shake the keys and he is ready to go for a twenty minute or thirty five hour ride. I will reply to all who were interested in parts asap but it might be in a day or so. Thanks for your understanding:(




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I'm not one of the people buying parts from you, but I'm really sorry to hear that your pal has such a terrible illness. Having suddenly lost two of my buddies (cats) in the past 8 months, I know how you must feel.

Nothing I could say has any chance of consoling you so I won't even try, but keep the good times you shared in your head and your heart.

Hey Ronnie,

My heartfelt condolence on your little mate.

We had an Aussie Terrier for 18 years and when I had her put down I held her in my arms and bawled like a baby.

We have lots of happy memories of "Bindi". It was 7 years before we could bring ourselves to have another dog. I can fully understand your sorrow.

We now have two Jack Russell Terriers, great little mates who bring joy into our lives.


Well that just sucks. I know what you must be going through. He looks just like the first dog I ever had. His name was Noogie which is foot or boot in Russian. My dad named him that because he was always under foot. Take heart in the fact that you both had the pleasure of each others company and that he will be going on the doggy heaven.

So get out there and take Sam out for a ride! As the expression says "Enjoy the ride!"

Sorry to hear, but don't mourn yet, go enjoy what time you still have.

That you've been informed, as sad as it is, don't let it cloud the time you have left. "There'll be time enough for counting, when the dealing's done..."


Ronnie. I am am sorry to hear this. I lost a beautiful Golden retriever, and friend. in 2000 to cancer, and a wonderful buddy last june to liver disese. I had both for around 12 years, and maybe had never been so sad . I aint wasy. You both will be in my thoughts. Take your time..prioritys my friend.

I am so sorry to hear about Sam. Having lost my Bulldog, Tibbs, and wife’s Pomeranian, Chelsea, within the span of six months was really tough to take. Since my wife and I decided not to have any children, our pets have assumed that role in our household. Best wish to you and Sam as go through this difficult period. :cry:

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