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See? I can't win whatever I do can I?

Nate asked my opinion and I put a bit of effort into answering him. Anybody is free to dispute what I have written if they think it is wrong.

If I hadn't bothered to answer I suppose I'd have been wrong for not answering too........

Alan, stop the "woe is me" crap. I found what you said to be very interesting and spot on topic. No need for the self deprecating remarks. Oh wait, I just blasted you too. jk Sorry mate. :love:

Alan is correct in that it is difficult to romanize the Japanese language to a point that you could pronounce it "correctly" (I say that because in Japan, there are a lot of regional differences) unless you hear it from a native speaker. I am not a native speaker, but, having been born in Hawaii, I believe I have a slight advantage in noticing the subtle differences.

Go figure. If this was a Volkswagen forum, we'd all be debating about the proper pronounciation of "Volkswagen"

Alan, stop the "woe is me" crap.

OK. But me is woe sometimes :ermm:

Do you see what I mean though? You poke your head above the parapet and try to answer a question as best you can, whilst knowing that you're going to lose either way. Its like being invited to go hunting with **** Cheney.

I guess getting 'close' with these pronunciations is good enough. Sometimes they can be funny though. I have a friend who can't seem to pronounce 'Mitsubishi' no matter how many times he tries. It keeps coming out as "MitsuBOOshi". He says that he is physically unable to say it properly, even though he knows he's doing it wrong.

One of the American-market voiceovers to a 'Best Motoring' video has been giving us the giggles here at home for a few weeks now. Its the one where Motoharu Kurosawa is driving a KPGC10 GT-R around the Fuji Speedway track for the 'last time' before Toyota redeveloped it. I don't know why, but the American voiceover guy has a very strange way of pronouncing 'Hakosuka'. My girlfriend now keeps shouting out "HAKKA-SOOOOOKER!" and laughing manically. She thinks its the funniest thing she's heard in ages.

Alan, a girl who laughs at car related jokes ... that's lucky!!

Those with the least to say tend to speak the most. You know that! Try to ignore it... I assure you there are MANY people who appreciate your explanation here and elsewhere.

I was thinking similarly to Miles in that how much of the pronunciation is accent? That's rhetorical! I'm quite content knowing how to almost say it. Now I just have to start adding the "ah" on the end on Porsche.....


Thanks a lot for your educated and well delivered pronunciation. I knew I was bound to get some good info from you as always! It's always a delight to read your responses with your rather eloquent use of the (our?) English language, even when it's in Japanese. LOL Like Alfa, I'm quite content knowing how to almost say it, and you've put me that much closer.

Also, the wife and I are planning a trip to the isle's this summer and London is on our itenerary. The dates are not final yet, are there any car related events I should plan around? Maybe we can get together for a pint of something British, Boddingtons maybe? I'll PM you when I get more info.


Hi Nate,

You are most welcome ( but there's still no substitute for a native Japanese speaker :) ).

Also, the wife and I are planning a trip to the isle's this summer and London is on our itenerary. The dates are not final yet, are there any car related events I should plan around?

Well, during the period between around mid-May to early November there are usually several car-related events worth seeing every weekend somewhere in the UK - and England in particular. You could hire a car and be within reasonable driving distance of any of them.

Top recommendation would be either of the two main Goodwood meetings:




....both of which are well worth going to.

When you get closer to setting your itinerary, drop me a PM and I'll scope out what's going on around that time.

Maybe we can get together for a pint of something British, Boddingtons maybe?

We don't drink much Boddington's down here in London - its a Manchester beer. We've still got some good independent London breweries, so I'll have to try and introduce you to their wares :) .


Alan T.

OK. But me is

I have a friend who can't seem to pronounce 'Mitsubishi' no matter how many times he tries. It keeps coming out as "MitsuBOOshi". He says that he is physically unable to say it properly, even though he knows he's doing it wrong.

At least he knows he's doing it wrong. Here in Japan, the Americans say "Yokohama" correctly, but say "Yokosuka" "YokOOska." Same kanji 横. When I ask why, they say "that's how I was told to pronounce it." Even after I explain that it's the same kanji and should be pronounced the same way, they can't (or won't) change.

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