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82 280zx turbo... runs fine... new alternator and all new fuel system components along with cap and rotor, plugs and wires. car starts up good and idles fine in park. u can rev the engine and everything it all sounds nice.

then u put it into drive and give it some gas, it moves boggingly a few feet then dies. car starts right back up and is accompanied by a squeeling noise when u step on the gas....sounds like alternator belt. the squeeling doesnt go away till u put it in drive, give it some gas, and the car instantly dies.

ive heard this could be the transmission modulator....

anyone had a problem like this???

i really need help

All vacuum hoses for cracks, leaks?

All intake hoses, fittings, connections for leaks?

Fuel pressure?

Fuel return valve?

If you don't own the Factory Service Manual buy one. Kinda pricey sometimes but a wealth of info and well worth it. It will walk you thru what to check and how to check it. Some of the best money you can spend.

Where are you located? You might find a fellow turbo on here he is close to help you out depending on where you live.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


Not a turbo but I know someone who fought a problem similar to this and previous owner had installed a distributor that would not work with his car.

Also I think hyrbridz (org I think) has a lot of turbo guys who might be of help.

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