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Yes, they DO just pull out.....but you have to make sure that the WHOLE emblem pulls away from the panel WITHOUT tilting it...that is, all edges up at the same time. The emblems are mounted with pins that protrude from the back of the emblem, these are in turn, inserted into barrel clips that both grip the pin AND the sheet metal. These clips have been known to weaken the pin, and therefore, can / will cause them to break if bent out of line.

If you don't care that you may have to buy new emblems, just push a scraper underneath and push hard, you'll destroy the possibility of being able to put them back in the proper holes and you'll have no option BUT to use adhesive to hold the emblem on. Then just pull out the remains of the emblem pin in the hole and fix the rust.

If you want to try to salvage the emblem, get a hold of a thin scraper blade with very flexible steel (I use a metal bondo spreader). Then carefully work it in and carefully around the edge of the emblem, your intent is to very slightly lift them and break any tension from paint (if emblems had been masked), wax, dirt, grease, etc.. DO NOT force the steel blade in. You're not looking to lift them just yet, just to break them away from the surface.

An alternative to this is to use plain old dental floss. The difference being that you will undoubtedly shred a ton of it, so.... The intent is the same, break any "grip" the panel has on the emblem, while introducing a gnat's hair worth of space between the emblem and the panel. (Note to people who detail their cars a lot, this method with dental floss is one way of reducing the amount of "gunk" left at the contact edge of the emblem. Works best on smooth paint and emblems.)

Depending on how much space you now have between the emblem and the panel, insert the blade or some paper or floss in between. You'll quickly be able to tell where you can insert and pull out the other side and where you won't. (Note to detailers: This is where I insert a piece of paper to allow me to insert my lifting blade and reduce / eliminate paint scratches.)

Now you should be able to discern where on the emblem the pins are, and using your scraper lift gently around the pin, begin to lift the emblem. It should only take one or two gentle twists on the scraper for the emblem to move. At no point do you want to rush this, go back and forth on each pin and sooner or later it WILL pop off without harming the pins.

If it doesn't, you might want to remove the hatch's vinyl panel cover. That way you should be able to see the pins directly and allow you to determine how to proceed.

Hope this helps.


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