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Glad to hear it, my Grampa would have loved it. He and his brother were the first 2 "Authorized" Lincoln/Mercury(Factory Trained) mechanics in the State of Texas and when he was 94 and mostly blind could still put his ear to a motor and tell you what was going on. Only Saint I have ever known, he was a good man with a hearty sense of humor and a natural teacher. What little I know I owe to him, miss him still. Go out and drive that car!!!!! Live it up, you only get one go around in this life.


yea i drive it as much as i can. very diffrent from what im use to (bmws and mercedes) but still has this thing to it where i love to drive it. as soon as i can i will thou. now that i got that fixed the water pump is going out. one of the downsides to zs. once u fix something another things seems to come up. gotta love these cars. always saomething to work on haha. The headers sound great thou. its super loud thou. probobly going to get a ticket cause the headers dont connect to the exhaust to well which is why most of the sound is coming from under me (where the headers meet the exhaust) and not from the exhaust its self. gotta weld that up before the feds hear it.

I once agonized for about an hour as to why my car would not start after a tune up until I glanced over to the workbench and saw the new rotor just sitting there........



Been there, done that!

The spark plug wires?? You are and idio.....No, just kidding. I'm sure all of us, if we would admit it, have at least one story like that. I have several. I once agonized for about an hour as to why my car would not start after a tune up until I glanced over to the workbench and saw the new rotor just sitting there........

oh, yea!!

i think i blew more than an hour and am still sore from kicking myself after doing the same thing. :stupid:

bemmerguy, chalk it up to a learning experience. one thing you can be sure of is that you will NEVER do it again!!

oh, yea!!

i think i blew more than an hour and am still sore from kicking myself after doing the same thing. :stupid:

bemmerguy, chalk it up to a learning experience. one thing you can be sure of is that you will NEVER do it again!!

haha hope so.

but now i got another problem. the outer two studs had been broken before i took off the old exhaust manifold. i thought it wouldnt matter when i put on the header. its only two bolts right? well no i guess not. serious exhaust leak. oil is coming from between my headers and the head. i tried to drill out the old stud and drill it to big. i could use some help. anyone in the area who could help me? i need a teacher!!!!

How much did you drill the hole too large ? Another thing how deep did you go into the head ? I think the best advise to you is to take the car to a good shop and have them have a look at it . You are more than likely going to need to pull the head . Worse case . I am hoping the '' oil '' you are seeing is really unburned fuel , and that you didnt drill into a oil gallery . Not knowing which bolts you actually drilled into I don't know. A good machine shop will be able to remove the studs and save the head if you haven't damaged it too badly. If the head must come off , you may be able to save some cash by pulling the head your self. If this is the case BE SURE TO KEEP TENTION ON THE TIMING CHAIN. Good luck with this . You need a shop manual . Gary

Like Gary said, a shop manual will be very helpful.

You might also want to grab "How to Rebuild your Nissan/Datsun Engine." It's 20 bucks and has a great walkthru and lots of pictures.

got one. im drilling it out and i bought new studs and all that. should be good.

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