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My early 260 is giving me fits.The problem is a wierd one to nail down.

The car starts right up then in 5 to 10 seconds it dies?:(

Ok sounds like fuel delivery Nope guess again! The bowls on my 72 carbs are full. Both fuel pumps are working 5 pounds of pressure at carbs.

Brand new filters, lines , Z therapy carbs

Ive tested the ignition circuit at every point i can find per the fsm and 3 other books on this car.Seems ok.It does have the early 74 ign system.

Maybe i should upgrade to the 79 80 ign system.Lots of parts on the old one .

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Sounds electrical. I'm just guessing, but have you checked for power to the ignition system when it dies? Could be that you have a loose connection or a bad ignition switch and it stops getting power for some reason like vibration breaks a connection somewhere along the way.

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If it just quits on you, my guess would be electrical. I'll throw this at you for what it's worth. My first Z was an early 260 like your - this was back in the early 80's. It had the original electronic ignition and it started doing what yours was doing - randomly crapping out on me. I called up my Z guru (a local shop that specialized in Z's) and spoke to the owner. This is what he told me, and I quote, "Next time it happens, take a box end wrench, find the electronic ignition box (little black box), and whack it with the wrench."

I said to him, "You gotta be F'n kidding, right?"

He told me he was dead serious. Sure enough, it worked. The problem was it only worked for a little while (day or two then it would happen again). Even back then, the box was an expensive replacement and honestly less reliable than the 240 dual point distributor, so we swapped it out.

Dunno if this is the same problem as yours, but it sure sounds familiar. ;)

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First thanks for the replies,

I did check the compression about 100 miles ago not as high as i would like but all cylinders consistant couple of pounds either way.160pnds

The engine dies as if i turned off the key. By the way it will start up immediately again after it dies??

I have another ignition module that i tried same thing happened It is the one under the dash on the passenger side it is silver with fins kinda looks like a small amp. SILVER WITH FINS SOUNDS LIKE A FISH:ermm:

One more thing to throw into the mix is that it has happend twice in the last 500 miles. Now im scared to take it anywhere dont want to get stuck.

Today after breakfast i went back up to the shop.And it fired right up and ran great no sign of any problems:stupid: I have a 400 S.B.C.that is for another project I sure am tempted to commit a sin and drop that beast into my fickel 260 dont want to yet. But if i cant trust the car at least it will eat up all the RICERS cruising around here.

Im going to get a 1980 dizzy and new coil another couple hundred bucks in to my little baby and see if that works.If it doesnt ill see you over at HYBIRDS. Anyway if anybody has any ideas even if it sounds crazy PLEASE POST.I dont want to molest my 260 :disappoin

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