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The first thing that I would do is look for rust. I'll post a site that tells you all the places to look!! Take a pretty hefty magnet along and a soft cloth to put around the magnet so you dont scratch the paint and run it over teh fenders and everywhere else to see if it has alot of bondo. And of coarse look and listen to the engine. Feel how it runs, any weird vibrations from the motor, tranny, etc. listen for things rubbing or hitting when taking a corner or on the brakes. Look to see if it smokes when you get on it alittle. But most of all I'd say rust look to see how bad it is rusted, all z's have rust even if you can't see any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me look in my gallery if you don't think i know about rust!!!!!! Make sure and look under the car for it, in the wheel wells, front frame rails, everywhere basicly. Read this whole page it will help you!! Good luck. http://zhome.com/Classic/CommonZRust/RustPrevention240Z.htm

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thank you that website definately looks like it is really going to help...the car has sat for the past 3 years but still runs the guy says...he just hasnt moved it cuz it doesnt have tags on it, so it will definately need the usual brakes and maybe some suspension parts...

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If it were me I would drain all of the gas out of the tank and put some new high octane in it before trying to start it, as well as a new fuel filter. And just from experience you will prob have to bleed the clutch as well. both of my z's need that. I went to get them both out of quansets they had been sitting for a few years and there was virtually no resistance when I depressed the clutch. Also look for mouse nests in the air cleaners and carbs before trying to start it!! LOL funny story!!!LOL

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