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I thought I'd post another restore-thread. I was taking a break after scraping undercoating off the trans tunnel and I thought I would get out the bag-o-emblems I have.

I was reading an earlier post on how to restore emblems, (I dont wanna put the guy 'on the spot' again) :rolleyes:. After reading it I went and got some supplies and thought I'd give it a try.

I used the following items, and the total was about $30.00 CAD.

Tamiya Color for plastics R/C spray in Semi-Gloss black.

Liquid Masking Film

Spot sanding pen

hobby knife

Tamiya Acrylic paint for R/C's (white)

some plastic Q-Tips.

I tried to find Pactra paints but theres limited supplies. Either Canada is getting Testors or the guy who posted the earlier thread is an old timer :tapemouth because most hobby stores said they didnt carry the specific kinds in years.

I found a hood emblem and cleaned it up. Its plastic, not metal soI was worried the fake chrome paint might come off when I was doing this.

I painted the Liquid mask on the chrome parts with a hobby brush, and let it dry for about 1 1/2 hrs. Then I used the knife to gently cut the mask off any black surface.

Then I painted the whole thing black. That stuff comes out lots of pressure for a little can.

I waited and that black paint dried in about 1 hour.

Then it got tricky. That mask just wouldnt come off easily. I started scratching it off with the back of the knife, but that was too risky. So I used my finger nail for some of it, and I cut a plastic q-tip into a pointy end and used that to get all the mask off the edges.

Then I used the touch up brush and went over all the edges andit took the rest of the mask off pretty easy.

Let me know what you think.






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Thanks Jared,

The color decision is driving me nuts. I personally like the blue, but I'm thinking of going with Datsun Orange (the original color) for that stock appearance. I should be able to get the car in for paint in a month or two..so I better make up my mind. Thanks again for getting me the code for your blue, I'll keep you posted.


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