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Alas I did not take my video camera to the event but someone else did. the video has alot of in car stuff from a 350, but also some stills from the car show and a really cute shot of my 2yo son Alex washing the wheels of my car at the end of the video.


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Sorry to see the wrecks, especially the 300ZX.

Of course, super awesome twisty road, with the addition of some showing off I imagine...

Since nobody got hurt, I'll say that I feel worse for the cars than for the drivers.

Actually both wrecks were not on the Dragon. The 300zx was Saturday morning on the access road (NC28) from Fontana Village to US 129. He was about 1mi from the village and he swerved to miss a Crotch Rocket rider who was in his lane. More damage was done to the car getting it out than going in. I saw it right after it happened. The 350 happened on Wed I think...dont know the full details.

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...Nice pic of your son Russell!

Thanks. Alex had a complete blast, we will be there for sure in the coming years. Funny thing is, he started telling folks that the car was his, so I promptly turned to E. Radatz and asked him to look for me another one:cross-eye

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