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I dunno, KDM, my ZX sucks the change out of my pocket, really. I sit down with a pocket of change and by the end of the drive, only 2 cents remain.

Personally, I think that my car is helping me save money for the small stuff (mine) so that the big stuff (hers) won't be as painful.

Well, from the way it sounds, with all of that change spilling out of your pockets, the Z is going be able to chip in about half cost for whatever breaks next! ROFL

Oh, and for real man? Pick up that change that spills down there. It only takes one coin to screw up your seatbelt... It took me over half an hour, and a lot of dripping sweat to get the mechanism out... and only 10 seconds to dislodge the coin.

Not to worry, I'm a lefty, so the change is more likely to fall out of the car when I open the door than to lodge into the seat belt thing, However, it has gotten stuck in the seat rails so I can't slide the seat forward. not that I do that anyway.

The thing about pocket change is that it's metal. The car bonds with it as if it were a kindred spirit. That's why it cannot recognize it as money. However, it sucks it out of your pockets to "save" it from you grubby humans. I know. I've left close to 4,000 yen worth of coins in my car and it does nothing. But sit in that seat or leave the wallet on the console with more than 10,000 yen in paper money, something will break. . . .

so does this mean that if all you ever carry, ever use or ever allow inside (or near) the vehicle is metal currency your car will never (or at least, seldom)break down? Perhaps the car would limit itself to repairs needing less money.

Perhaps the car would consider the use of metal currency as a form of canniblism...

Or perhaps this is where the phrase "[the car is] starting to 'nickle and dime' me with all of its repairs" came from.

just a thought.:eek: david

Last Friday I went to the Bone Yard and picked up a few parts . and made the mistake of tossing the change in the ash tray of my Z. I know better but it was vary , vary hot and I wasn't thinking clearly I guess . On the way home the old blister had a fit , must have not been enough cash in the ash tray . To make a long story short I ended up with my Z on a flatbed and I damn near had a heat stroke. KEEP YOUR MONEY HIDDEN AND NEVER PUT ANY IN THE ASH TRAY ! LOL :stupid: Gary


Have you gave her a name? If you don't give her a name she will end up treating you like a cheap hooker. You have to give her a name a girls name. Also try to keep your wallet in a small lead box of some sort. I have almost completly relined the glove box just so I can keep my wallet in there.

O yeah don't forget, when you name her to call her by her name. If you call her something else you could end up on the side of the road hiching a ride while she is driving away.

About the radiator you can go with the JTR conversion. Its what I am using and we have hot days in GA, not as hot as you do but still hot.

so does this mean that if all you ever carry, ever use or ever allow inside (or near) the vehicle is metal currency your car will never (or at least, seldom)break down? Perhaps the car would limit itself to repairs needing less money.

just a thought.:eek: david

No, it knows. If you only carry coins, it knows you're holding out and something major will break. The thing is to carry minimal amounts of paper money and keep it away from the factory money detector.

No, it knows. If you only carry coins, it knows you're holding out and something major will break. The thing is to carry minimal amounts of paper money and keep it away from the factory money detector.


And as with all the other gauges in the car, some are more sensitive than others (remember fuel gauges that register Half when almost Full or almost Empty?) or as with the clock, some are inoperative.

If you tease it, like a tiger it will claw your arm off and require something expensive. If you try to fool it, like your household cat, it will poop on your pillow and require something be replaced. If you ignore it, like your dog it will wizz on your leg and gnaw on your favorite slippers and you'll have to glue them together with Goop or Duct Tape which will let everybody else know that you didn't believe any of this......LOL



well, I feel a shame for that, not really, didnt give her aname:s I bearly see her on weekend, whenever I have a free time to take her for a ride.. and a damn spend the most on her regarding spare parts, going to originals directly!

anyway, I'll try to give her a nice name, the previous owner called her (him) "el prince" so I'm afraid to give female name and it will get mad on me more that ever:(

abuot the radiator, the JTR have a website? and can it be shipped?


http://www.jagsthatrun.com/ You might want to buy the complete kit unlesss you have a real good junk yard to get the extra parts and radiator mounts. If you want you can also go to Black Dragon and order a stock style radiator. About the name of your car, if its your car then give it a sex change if you want. It does not require an operation witch should save some money. LOL I was always told car car should have a girls name. Due to the fact that your car is your companion.

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