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I was reading an insurance company news letter this weekend and was happy to see an article about early Z cars. It gave a little history and talked about prices etc. The coolest part about the article was how they call the Z car an inexpensive alternative to the Porsche, Jag , and the Ferarri. Guys we drive one of the badest cars ever made and that statement in the article gives a lot of credibilty to the Z to be put in the company of such exotic cars. My 3 friends that all drive porsches were kind of awe struck. It s nice to know (not that I didn't already know) that the Z is still an awsome part of the auto world that is compared to such cars as Porsche , Jag , and Ferarri

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I hate to say it, but if the new 350Z is being compared to the 911, which although it's the most commonly known, is the worst performing porsche compared to todays standards. The early Z's were compared with Porche and Jag etc...of it's era. I would be more impressed if it were comparable to todays M5 or something. Then again 350Z doesn't impress me anyway.

Naviathan I disagree with your coment about the 911 but thats your opinion. The fact that a $30,000 car (the Z) is compared to the performance of a $76,000 car is pretty impressive. This is what motor trend says about the 911 in there test review

Blistering acceleration

Impeccable handling

Unmistakable presence


I guess the 350Z could be compared to a 911, but I don't see them that close performace wise stock-for-stock. The Z definitely has more aftermarket things out there to make it faster. I really like the 997 911 wouldn't mind having one. I know a former Z33 owner who now has an '05 997 Carrera and he says you can't compare the two.

jmark, let me guess, you don't have side airbags on your 03 Z? ;) I can tell because the number "1" in the last 6 digits is if you don't have side airbags. "0" is if you do. :) What build date was yours? Mine was 02/03 and is #14852.

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