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It is decidedly different.

Whether it is to your liking or not, is what modifications are all about. Some please the eye, some punch it.

As far as mods go, it's definitely not stock looking, but I wouldn't call it a disaster either. (That's a toss up between the 4x4 260 and the Boom Box Speakers with car mounted underneath)

IMO, the side pipes and the whale tail push it past "possibly functional" to "wannabe Vette". The hood and fenders and blacked out chrome actually don't look too bad.

But then again, that's in MY opinion. Undoubtedly the owner of that car feels happy and proud. At least it's not in a boneyard.


Curtis240Z thats Righ Jim Cook Racing Fender Kit.

EScanlon I love the stock Zeds but after my brother in law pass me his Mustang was thinking bout some modified V8Z. but after couple of days I Started to tell myself >what are you doing? Because I spent lots of money in the engine I have at the moment (refreshing the car). So I go 6 in line.

sblake01 sunroof (PO box):D

But IMO looks good as sports car.:alien:


You don't post where you live, so I can't address more specific details. But, next time your BIL wants to race you, suggest this.

Instead of a "drag" race, i.e. straight line start up to top speed, go for a modified X-country race. That is, you pick a point on the other side of town / county / valley, that has both open CURVY road and IN-TOWN driving (preferably 35mph+) to get there. Then you BOTH head to that point AND back WITH an observer of your choice in the other's car. That is, your friend in his car and his friend in yours. The simple rules? No exceeding the speed limit, and no "ignoring" the traffic laws (stop signs, lights, etc) and stick to the agreed upon route. Your friend monitors his compliance, and his monitors yours. Or stick a video camera recording the instrument gauges.

If it has the proper amount of curves, and even some straights, you'll leave him in the dust.

He may have excellent acceleration, and even top speed, but you have him in quickness of response, time to a set speed, and maneuverability. Unless you really mess up.

And as far as "looking" like as good as a Sports car.....the Z IS a sports car. The Mustang is a Muscle car.



He may have excellent acceleration, and even top speed, but you have him in quickness of response, time to a set speed, and maneuverability. Unless you really mess up.


I agree entirely. Stronger doesn't mean better. Remeber the saying "the bigger they are, the harder they fall."

In high school, I had a 1975 Fiat Spider, 1800cc's putting out a whopping 77bhp. In town, around corners and short sprints, my Fiat ATE 5.0 Mustangs.

the underdog should NEVER be discounted.

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