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I have a 1972 240Z. The gas filler cap is missing the chain that keeps it attached to the car. I've found another cap with a chain attached and I'd like to attach the chain to the filler neck..... but for the life of me I can't figure out where it attaches. I've consulted the FSM with no luck. I've felt around to find an attaching point, again, no luck.

Can anyone tell me where and how this chain attaches? I'd really like to get that on because I'm prone to driving off from a fill-up sometimes with the cap not in place. At least the chain will get it home with me! (Been lucky so far and haven't lost it.)



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Thank you all for the insight!

Mike, I found the hole and mounted the chain.... just where you said it would be.

I also took the opportunity to replace the rubber fold down flap so that I don't do any damage to the paint with the dangling cap.

I should have put on my glasses when I first looked for that hole! If it had teeth it would have bitten me! I knew it was there somewhere because the first Z I owned (a '72 from '72 to '82) had it.

  • 4 weeks later...

Should we put on the chain to the later model cars? I always hold the cap in my left hand (never put the cap down) as I pump gas, but it might be better to have a chain, or a wire.

Was it just a bare chain, or did it have a protectove tube on the chain?


Should we put on the chain to the later model cars? I always hold the cap in my left hand (never put the cap down) as I pump gas, but it might be better to have a chain, or a wire.

Was it just a bare chain, or did it have a potectove tube on the chain?


I guess the question is really should 'you' put the chain on. I don't have a problem with mine as it is. It's up to you.

I have a '73 and mine is just a bare chain. I know because I took the car to a gas station yesterday for the first time in 2 yrs. I was glad I had the chain because I put 1/2 gallon in from a gas can at my house then drove to the gas station and realized I didn't put the cap back on. The chain and rubber pad serves their purposes, No Scratches on the paint and I still have the cap!

Here's a pic of the gas cap and chain on my 73. Note that the rubber flap that protects tha paint when the cap is hangin by the chain is missing. And don't ask me what the hell that block of aluminum is doing in there. I haven't had a chance to explore that one since I bought the car. :stupid:


It's the part that the chain is connected to and will turn on the center rivet so the chain doesn't get twisted.

If you're addressing my comment about the block of aluminum that's not it, and the chain is not connected to the "center rivet" which I believe to be a pressure relief valve. If you very look closely you can see that the chain is connected to a small bracket attached to the cap via one of the two silver rivets on either side of presssure relief valve as I will call it.

The "aluminum block" I was referring to is something the PO added for some YTBD reason and can be seen mounted between the fuel filler tube flange and the body of the car.

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