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So I got around to installing the Super turbo (manifold back) exhaust I bought from MSA yesterday. I decided to install it sans any pre muffler first, to see if I liked the sound/loudness before I screwed with the kit.

I love the sound! I have never cared for Dynomax muffler's sound (on other cars), so i thought I’d be replacing the muffler almost immediately, but on the Z it really works well. It gives the car a nice throaty sound, dare I say almost classic Ferrari sounding. But the car seems to pop/backfire now on almost every shift (in the upper revs). It never did that before with the stock exhaust.

I was thinking I’d gain some top end as well; my stock exhaust was some shitty press-bent, super small, Midas looking junk from the previous owner. But the bottom end has seemed to improve with no gain on the top end (which is backwards to conventional wisdom when going to a bigger "free flowing" exhaust. Weird...

Some things I don’t like:

The exhaust hangs very low under the car, it's scraping off of driveways, etc now. Also, to get it to fit i had to compromise between the bend/pipe lining up with the mount cut-out in the rear (before the dif) or hanging even lower. So I’d say fit wasn't as good as i hoped it would be.

They shorted me a clamp with the kit (had to go out and buy one), and I have to say, I hate the way the muffler hangs down in the back (because it's a horizontal muffler turned vertical). It really looks stupid in my opinion, like it was rigged up or something.

So overall, I guess I’m happy for now. I think I may buy a round canister type muffler in the future though, not for sound but more for looks. And I’m going to have to take it to an exhaust shop to see if they can maybe heat it and bend it up a little so it's not so low/scraping the ground.

Hope this helps someone else when choosing to buy the kit or not...

Thanks for this report. It just confirmed what I had planned anyway, to have my exhaust (when I get to that point) done locally. As simple as a Z exhaust is, a good shop should be able to bend it and install it with my choice of mufflers for the same or less than the MSA system. The better hot rod shops can do mandrel bends and take the time to get it snugged up tight, and I really don't need (or really even want) 2.5" for a stock L24 anyway.

I have the mandrel bent system from Motorsport . Its a 2 1/5'' system it is coupled to a 3 into 2 into 1 header. I was able to tuck it up and my Z sets lower than stock .7 1/4 '' at the jack points and I rarely scrape unless I have a heavy weight for a passenger or going over a vary high speed bump. My Dynomax oval muffler is tucked up in the fender well and hardly shows at all from the rear. the muffler I bought have off set intake and outlet but it is a 2 1/2'' also. I plan on adding a thrush glasspac under the car to eliminate the resonance at 1500 to 2000 rpm . Thrush mufflers are made by Dynomax by the way , and they have a perforated inside pipe instead of louvered . Louvered pipe extends into the flow of the exhaust and causes resistance by restricting the flow. I also really like the sound of the system but without the glasspac the drowning can be a bit much . Especially in the mountains where the engine is under a little load at those revs .Gary:)

Arne , I think you would be best suited with 2'' or 2 1/4'' piping with the stock L-24 . I am going to do the 2 1/4 when this stuff gives up . I don't think Motorsport carries 2 1/4 , only the larger stuff. Summit Racing has the Dynomax super turbo for only $35.00


I don't know how you got that muffler to tuck up so it can hardly be seen. My muffler is almost touching the trunk floor and it is an offset inlet as well, at least half of the muffler sticks out of the bottom...

Arne , I think you would be best suited with 2'' or 2 1/4'' piping with the stock L-24 . I am going to do the 2 1/4 when this stuff gives up . I don't think Motorsport carries 2 1/4 , only the larger stuff. Summit Racing has the Dynomax super turbo for only $35.00
My thoughts exactly, Gary. Other than the header, my L24 will be bone-stock. I'm pretty sure that 2" will probably be more than fine, as long as it's mandrel bent. If I had to go with non-mandrel (and I won't), 2 1/4" would be better.

I had a MSA setup but opted to go stainless all the way out the back. I ended up using a Janspeed header, Verocious Motorsports pipe and Magnaflow mufflers to build the system. I'm waiting on my Ztherapy SU's to arrive this week but I must say the exhaust has a deep growl with no raspiness (at least sitting in the driveway) using triple Dellorto's or the old SU's. My exhaust is tucked very nicely although the resonator does hang just a little low. It should not pose a problem though, even over speed bumps. My muffler is exposed from the side profile but not obnoxiously so. It could have been tucked up tighter however I felt the heat generated would be more readily transmitted to the interior that way. You can see pics viewing post #17 and #18 at the following forum, http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=103301. Although this is not MSA related persay you can see that a proper exhaust can be installed in your garage. I have no reason to think that the MSA system couldn't be massaged to fit better too.


I have the 2 1/2" Turbo exhaust from MSA as well and I am happy with it. I reversed the muffler so the offset is in the back and downward. It tucks in very nicely with about 1/2" clearance all around, it was tricky getting the hangers attached as it is a very tight fit.

The pipe was not a good fit but I was able to tuck it up in the trans/drive shaft tunnel better by leaving all the clamps loose and using a pry bar to work it into place before tightening it up. I also turned the clamps upside down so the ugly clamp/nut is on top and gives a little more ground clearance.

I used an 18" glasspack as a resonator right behind the header collector and I went with a 2 1/4 because I have the original L24. I also went with the MSA 3 into 2 header.

The sound is great, it has a deep throaty gurgle with that distinct glasspack accent. It is still plenty loud but not enough to annoy the neighbors every time I blip the throttle. It is especialy pleasing to wind it up to 6K with the windows down on freeway onramps or when passing someone.

I was worried it might have too much flow (not enough back preasure) for the L24 but it still feels very torquie at low revs and has plenty of flow at the high end.

The only things different I would have done is get the aluminized pipe and coated header (already rusting after 2 months), and have a shop weld the sections together rather than using the ugly clamps.


For those of you not needing to go all the way to 2 1/2" you could use the Dynomax #17-741, which is a 6" round, 19 1/2" long muffler with 2 1/4" inlet and outlet. That's probably what I will use on mine, and I actually have one on my wife's 16v Jetta now. Here's picture of one on a Z from a different thread:


Ksteve , The clamps I used were from Summit and they are stainless steel and are band style clamps ,and are about 4'' wide . I also rotated them so the bolts are up in the tunnel . This makes a clean installation and they don't leak, plus if needed , access to the drive shaft and or trans removal is no problem being able to disassemble the plumbing. JAYRU The super turbo Dynomax I bought is oval and has the inlet in the center and the outlet on the end of the oval , which I put at the bottom . The muffler tucks up in the fender well and doesn't show below the bottom edge of the fender . This positions the outlet in the correct position to exit the opening in the rear finisher panel .I would post a picture , but I am computer challenged and don't know how . LOL Gary

...snip...I rarely scrape unless I have a heavy weight for a passenger or going over a vary high speed bump. ...snip....Gary:)

HEY! :tapemouth

I resemble that remark.....besides, I've only ridden with you once or twice!

Next time you're over it better not scrape as it comes into my driveway or there'll be heck to pay!!!



(Hey Bryan, could he mean you?) :o :devious:

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