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Whenever I have a problem or am looking for some little known specification on the Zed, I know that I can always find it here quickly at the Classic Z site.

However, I have to share this.

I have been asked to look at a Ford Laser and "give it a bit of a tune" for a female relative.

This seemed to be no problem, I will just go to the Ford Laser Website and look up some specfications, mainly tappet clearances, plugs etc.

After several days I have come to the conclusion that the Zed site is a far superior site (knew it all the time).:love:

Without putting rubbish on the Ford Laser Forum (ah well I am to a degree) this is the sort of information passing that is going on there and pretty close to the standard accross the board.

Question: " It's about time I got my tappets done, they're pretty noisy and my mechanic said I should do it. SO, what do they give me besides a quieter engine? i.e: power, better fuel economy?"

Answer "Nothing, they just get noisy. Doesn't do anything performance wise."

The bad thing is that a lot of young kids end up with Lasers and this is the information they are provided with.:sleepy:


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I used to have a (KE) Laser TX-3 turbo 4 wheel drive.

What sort of laser is it?

The problem with the B6 and B8 mazda engines is that they have hydraulic lifters, and when they get noisy, theres nothing you can do to them except replace them -and they cost a fortune.

I think they were at least $20 each, you need 16 of them = $320.

Its just a different approch to car manufacturing. Lasers are built to be cheap disposable cars. Z's were built when a car had to last and cost cutting and market competition weren't as important as they are today.

Update. Its the EFI version of the engine that has hydraulic lifters.

Specs for a KE laser 87-90

Single cam are adjustable:

Valve clearances hot:

1.3 litre

stem to rocker

inlet: 0.25mm

exh: 0.30mm

Camshaft to rocker:



1.6 liter

stem to rocker:

in: 0.30mm


Camshaft to rocker:



Firing order 1342

plug gap 1 to 1.1mm


1.3 6 deg BTDC

1.6 2 deg BTDC

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