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What is the most valuable thing about this Club

What is the most valuable thing about this club? One choice, but post your thoughts  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the most valuable thing about this club? One choice, but post your thoughts

    • The group Therapy on problems(Rust, POs, removig Spindle pins, accidents, ricers...).
    • being able to ask a question and get an ansewer that is helpful.
    • The galleries: If a photo is worth a thousand words...
    • The Boobs Thread!!!
    • The Classified Ads
    • Memebers from the Back of Burke to out yonder.
    • Hanging out on line with the members(That sounds bad somehow-No snail comments Vicky!)
    • The silliness in some threads.
    • Mikes Restoration is back underway!
    • Being able to get food for thought and feedback from other members.
    • Club merchandise-are you wearing our colors?
    • the availbility of a members opinion at almost any time of day.
    • Being able to find out about Z events that are going on, and the excitement they generate.
    • finding that in almost every case, someone has a car in worse shaop than yours, but is undaunted.
    • The searchable Archived knowledge base of all past and present members.

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finding that in almost every case, someone has a car in worse shaop than yours, but is undaunted.

It's one of the things I enjoy about the club, but it also looked a bit underrepresented, so I clicked it. (btw, I think someone meant "shape" there, as opposed to "shaop")

I love that if anything ever goes wrong with my car, I can post in the "HELP" section, and within 12 hours there are at least 3 or 4 people have either had the exact some problem (and remember how it was rectified), or have some very good ideas on what the problem could be.

It helps take the guess-work out of classic car ownership and it makes one feel very confident knowing that there is a sympathetic support system behind him/her.

Honestly though, I selected the option in the poll I did because it's true for me. No matter how many little quirks my car develops, or no matter how many things stop working, it's always refreshing to know that there's some still guy who's Z is a work in progress: a chunk of metal on jack-stands, and his life is that much more empty for not being able to enjoy it as what a Z is, and what it represents: a car that's meant to be driven and the freedom go where you will... IN STYLE!

I always feel thankful every time I go for a cruise: Mine runs and drives (and still gets looks sometimes!) That feeling never stops being awesome. :)

I love that if anything ever goes wrong with my car, I can post in the "HELP" section, and within 12 hours there are at least 3 or 4 people have either had the exact some problem (and remember how it was rectified), or have some very good ideas on what the problem could be.

I agree. The selflessness and eagerness to help is unrivaled. Usually on HybridZ, they tell you to search right off.

This usually leads you to spending another 2 hours on the computer figuring out what combonation of words will lead you to the correct thread, when you could be troubleshooting your car.

I know the value of the search button, but the value of the "help" thread is way up there as well.

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