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Electronic Ignition Control Units

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Hi there I have been working on my project a lot this week, I have managed to get the clutch slave, clutch master, brake booster, brake master installed .

I am currently working on the throttle likage to the triple webers .

I was taking a break and surfing the web and came across this web page:


and followed this link to Electrical bits and found this item:


What is this ?where does it go? and where should i look to see if I have one?

There is also many pinned white socket looking kinda empty just above the hood release lever on the drivers side , what goes in here?

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Aargh you are so right!

I have a 1975 280Z it used to have a fuel injected engine, its actually lying around the garage someplace.But I am in the midst of converting it to a triple weber setup on I beleive came from a 240 z.

I purchased the car /gto body kit about a month and a half ago .The sale included:3 gearboxes, two diffs, two engines, various rims, two headers, misc boxes of parts (the car was possatively full), but seems far from complete.

Electrical is not my strong suit I am not bad , but not brillant.



Actually, those are on the 75-78 280Z, US model. In 79, with the advent of the 280ZX, it was replaced by the 'matchbox' on the distributor. But it doesn't look like that picture. It's a black box, located just ahead of the fuse box and is clearly labled 'Transistor Ign'. Evidentally, after looking at my manuals, the box you pictured was only on the 1974 US 260Z.


SBlake 01

Brilliant thanks

I will have a look tommorrow and see if there is on of those there. I am looking at replacing the distributer ,on my Z to that of a early 280zx. It has the E12-80 ignition "matchbox" circuit integrated.

"Two wires from this connect directly to the coil without needing a ballast resistor.

This results in a more powerful spark as a full 12V (14.7V) is applied to the coil's primary vs. 6V to 8V when a current limiting ballast is used."

The quoted bit was from the atlantic z car page.

My reasoning being as I have the triple webers on the cannon manifold ,,Redline Webers recomends the better spark for tuning the carbs in some of their tech articles.

So will I need this black box thing if I do this as suggested?

I am also planning on getting the zx external voltage reguted alternater to do away with the voltage regulator



Here's a pic of the 1979-81 280ZX N/A and 810 (E12-80 Nissan # 22020-S6701)


and the 1982-83 280ZX N/A (E12-92 Nissan # 22020-W3100 or E12-93 Nissan # 22020-P9700)


So what is the picture you posted Stephen? Is it the 75-78 ign module? It's neither the 79-83 or the item bloxman posted. Sorry but it wasn't quite clear to me.

O.K. thats kinda frightening, as the add (did you open the link) says and I Copy mean Quote "for most 74-83 Z car models". I nearly got scammed !

Actually it says: "Nissan OEM transistory ignition units in stock for most 74-83 Z car models." Suggesting that they stock modules for those years and not the the representative image is appropriate for all of those years. Perhaps reading a bit slower will help.. ;)

To all who contrubuted on this thread;

O.K, so the jist of this is :

I will need a "electronic Ignition Control Unit"

It will be located above the fuse box. It will be required reqardless whether or not I replace the distributer and alternater.

It will likely not be shiny as in the picture it may be black . I should read slower and jump to less conclusions

thanks guys


Later ,got work at 6.am its 11:15 here now

For your information you can use the Dist from all the non turbo ZXs from '79 -'83 . there is a slight difference between the automatic car and the manual. I have been told to use he manual . The little module that was shown though must be one of the 12 80 units. So you have many more years to pick from but just a '79 -'80 that has the 12 80 . There is a way to use the other module but in involves a different vacuum advance and a second vacuum line to manifold vac + making a retard limiter. Gary

Sorry, Engima, my wording was unclear. The picture I posted is of the ignition box in my 78. And, Blox, I'm not sure how easy a conversion it would be to put the 'matchbox' dist. in a 75-78 due to the wiring involved. Besides, the comparison you quoted is between a 280ZX electronic distrubutor and a 240Z point type distributor. Your 75 distrubutor will work just fine with those Webers. This attachment is a diagram of the 78 and it should be similar to your car. If you don't already have one, check this out. The price is right!



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