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I need to remove my A/C unit out of my parts car and I am not sure how to begin. It still has compression and freon left in it. I've got my manual, but don't have the necessary equipment to remove the freon. Are there any other options? I want to be legal here.

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You could always filter it yourself. The only bad thing is you have to inhale it and this is not always a great idea. It will get you a little light headed but if you only take little breaths you should be fine. No just kidding don't do that. Take it to an AC shop and let them recover it. You might be able to find a place that will come to you if you look around a bit.

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This is a parts car that doesn't run, nor has the capability to be moved currently. I may try and get someone from an A/C shop to come to my house and do it for me or perhaps borrow equipment. I don't know anyone personally, but I may bribe someone.... as bloxman PMed me "Maybe somebody would come and empty the system for a case o beer!?" :laugh:

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I recently had to deal with this whie pulling a motor from a car in a junkyard. I had no choice but to vent it to the atmosphere. I said three hail Mary's and donated some money to the homeless as pennance. If you can do it properly for a reasonable sum, free would be nice, I'd say go that route. I wish that had been an option for me.

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I recently had to deal with this whie pulling a motor from a car in a junkyard. I had no choice but to vent it to the atmosphere. I said three hail Mary's and donated some money to the homeless as pennance. If you can do it properly for a reasonable sum, free would be nice, I'd say go that route. I wish that had been an option for me.

I would keep that to yourself since the EPA attaches a pretty hefty fine to that sort of thing

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I agree with Will, it's best to not vent the Freon in to the air, not only bad ecologically but also for you.



The reason that R12 was so popular originally was that it was non-toxic. In fact it is harmful to the ozone layer because the only thing that breaks the stuff down is high-energy radiation, which is only present on earth in the extreme upper atmosphere. Once that happens the chlorine released reacts with the ozone and degrades the planet's natural radiation shield.

(At least that is the theory... it has never been proven.)

Now the lubricating oils that are in there WITH the R12, THOSE can be unpleasant.

Back in the pre-ban days they used to sell R12 off the shelf at Wal-mart and K-mart. Usually you would waste a couple of cans before you figured out how to re-charge your car. I have never heard of anyone getting sick from R12.

In the 1960's it was used as the propellant in nearly all spray cans.

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