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what a pain in the arse.

i hate bubbles.

i did a first coat on the backside of the hood.

orange. i matched my franklin mimt 240 to sherman williams knockout orange.

i will post some second coat pics soon.

for know bubbles are like the soviets in in 1980, bad.

very bad.

more to follow in 12-24 hours.

thanks for shopping

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I don't know if you have done it, but make sure there are no oils or solvents on your painting surface. The differance between a surface treated with a good wax and grease remover and one that hasn't is crazy.

Let us know how the painting goes, lots of people have been interested in this process on this and other forums.

i have rolled on some paint on my car (lower parts of the doors and sides of the car) and played around within the paint a bit on a spare door. my thoughts are doing a small area is a pain as its over to fast and hard to know the % of what ur mixing when its such a small amount, and that bubbles are bad, and it seemed that when it was thin enough to not need help popping the bubbles, it would run to easily.

i ended up not diluting the paint at all for the bits on my car and doing one coat, as i couldn't be bothered making the surface perfectally flat (as i was thinking this wouldn't get my car past a road worthy certificate but it did) so the orange peel hids it kinda of nicely. i used wattyl paint which i've since been told doesn't like chemicals much, but no problems so far :D i'm going to sand it back and do a nicer coat at some stage anyway, and would love to try doing a whole car just for the fun of it, but i think i'd get sick of sanding!


i finally got time to do a second coat on the underside of the hood.

i used a 40-45% mix of the sherman willams direct to metal paint with mineral spirits.

less bubbles, and it turned out fairly nice.

the first coat would scratch either, very durable.

the color i choose was knockout orange which my franklin mint 240, but is lighter once applied. still looks good though.

new pics are my album.


so, i did the 2nd coat on the fenders and cowl panel.

turned out pretty nice.

i think 4 coats should cover it perfectly.

before i do a 3rd coat i may do a light sanding with some 600 grit sandpaper just to help it stick better and perhaps make it more durable once it fully cures.

one thing i have noticed, when using the foam brushes, it goes on really thin. so iam going to mix upa differnt ratio of paint/spirits. maybe a 15% or even 10%.

one trick i have found out is to keep rollering the paint on. dont get more on the roller, just roller untill its almost tacky. really smoothes it out.

i will upload some pics soon. for some reason it wont let me load any right now.

more to come, i will start on the body this weekend.


ok, added more pics to my album.

did a 3rd coat on the fenders. i tried using a thicker mix of paint for the brush.

it covered well, but bubbled quite abit.

i think 5 coats on the exposed surfaces should be the right amount, but since orange is a light color i might need more.

stay tuned, another coat tonight or tomorrow, and a first coat on the outside of the hood.

as soon as the hood is done i can get the car in to my garage to start on it.

Alright, finally with a orange z the same as mine. I been working with the roller method. Except, I'm practicing with a rustoleum orange. Yours looks better. Mines more of a orange/red. I'm conviced this method works. Using thin coats ensures that each layer will dry completely before the next is to be applied, The coverage is not as good but it's the best way to achieve decent results with the least amount of problems. I've had no trouble with bubbles by keeping the mixture thin.

From the looks of the pictures the orange is a close match. What would you say, is it close to 918 orange?

the orange matches my franklin mint 240.

but it looks alittle lighter than 918. but i should look like an orginal paint job from the 70's, just faded. so i dont mind.

besides, the flares and fender mirrors will make it look way better when its done.

i am still having some bubbles. i may have to wet sand it all and do another 2 coats then wet sand again.

it may be xmas before i get it done. damnit.

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