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what the heck is this guy smoking? ive never seen one of THESE as a dealer option. someone tell me if this is really a dealer option , or not. if it is ill buy it and sell it for more! i would never put this on a Z, its hideous. IMO.


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wow, just goes to show that there is ALWAYS something to learn about these cars. the craigslist ad sounded so cheesed up that i thought it would be worth a good laugh, instead i schooled on datsun history. so :

are there anymore surprise optoins, or odd/ rare parts? i already know about the scarabs, and sugar scoops.

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"Original Datsun 240Z Hood Scoop. $250.00 OBO. Probably only a few hundred ever made. This is a very rare dealer option item. Ideal for the Z Car restorer or purist. It was originally fiberglassed to a hood so the edges where it was attached are a little rough. Nothing that will prevent it looking perfect after remounting."

Nothing but time and energy!

First, it is a copy-not an original. There is no evidence of studs ever having been on the piece in the photographs. Factory pieces were designed to be bolt on so that the hood would not need to be refinished. The bolts would have been used to secure the hood even if it were to be bonded.

the Second, it probably has other issues from the forced removal, As a copy, it wasn't a $250 piece to begin with, it certianly isn't one after being peeled off a hood to which it was permanently bonded..

Third, small market for the perfect pieces means even smaller market for damaged ones.

Fourth, a copy of a copy never works out as close as a copy of an original.


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I have one of these hood scoops. As far as I can tell, mine is original. It was not "glassed to the hood" it was secured with five bolts. The structure underneath the hood is also quite different from mine. It's hard to tell, but it looks like there is an opening in the back of the scoop, which mine definitly doesn't have. I would say that Will is right, this looks like a copy.

I'm taking mine to a fiberglass shop here in a little bit to see how much copies would cost. I took it off the car last night, so I will try to take a couple of shots so that you guys can comare real versus copy.


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