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ok, when I hit my brakes...my parking lights come on.. I can't figure out what the hell is going on.. it started with the fuse for the dash lights blowing out.. and the fuse post for the running lights melted part of the fuse box... thought there might be a short or loose connection.. so after messing with it, I got the running lights to work, the dash lights to work, but I cant stop the running lights to come on when I hit the brakes. Plus the fuse posts for the running lights still gets really hot..

anyone have this problem before?

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Off the top of my head; check that there isn't a cross connection between the Dome Lamp fuse and the Parking Lamp fuse (third and fourth fuses down on the right side of the fuse box).

Aside from that check the Hazard Switch, both circuits mix there.


You probably have a couple wires melted together in a harness somewhere. That is a b**** to find. Since the fuse box melted I would start looking at a the first foot of the harness pull off the cover or whatever is holding it together and start separating wires. other wise start checking out the brake light circuit. Good luck. My daughter toyota melted acouple wires together in the A/C system. Got lucky and found it after a couple hours pulling wires and consoles apart.

ok, I got lucky... it seams one of my dual taillight bulbs burnt out and fused together...a honda guy told me to check it... Put in a new bulb.. BINGO, works.

I spent all day trying to find it.. now I gotta put all that back together in the morning.

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