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I'm assuming you can't get the drums off despite tha name of the thread. Maybe you are looking to pull the axle to get the plate off/ new plate on???

If the drums can't be removed you can turn the star wheel with a screwdriver. This will manually adjust the spread of the shoes together or apart. There is an access plug under the axle for this. Pop of the access plug and rotate the star wheel. Sometimes it takes quite a few turns to get things loose enough.

If you have the drum and hardware removed and need to get the axle off look for a description of a special tool in a manual. Most manuals I've seen have a good dimensioned drawing of this tool.

Hope this helps


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You either have to cut the drum backing plates, or pull the stub axle. Depends on what type of brackets you have whether you can get away with leaving the stub axles in place. Search on here, and in hybridz and you should turn up what you are after.

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Hey Guys,

How do I get the rear drum assembly off my 240Z. I need to expose the four bolts to put on my new disc brackets. So, the backing plate, the hub and so on.



If you can rotate the drums by hand , then get a large rubber hammer or a large ball-pein and a block of wood. To remove the drum you must dislodge it from the hub in the center of the drum. Spray this area with PB Blaster . Take the RUBBER hammer and strike the outward face of the drum at 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock. Then at 12 then 6 . Do this three or four times. Then place the block on the back of the drum lip at 9 and strike the block with the hammer then at 3 . you are rocking the drum back and forth working the drum off , so you are striking the block from behind toward the outside of the car . Now if the drum cannot be rotated because the brakes are adjusted too tight. There is a hole in the face of the drum about 1/2 inch in diameter. You must lift the adjuster up and back off the star wheel then turn the star wheel down to loosen the adjustment once the drum can be turned follow the above instructions . All the best . I have never seen a 240 that had any other adjustment port for this . Just the one in the drum. Gary

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It is possible that a good impact wrench will whizz it off. (400 ft-lb+ rated) The tire would have to be on the ground or held by someone during this.

In the manual the axle nut will come off when you make a tool to lock it. The tool has holes which the lugs attach to and also has a provision for inserting a bar to lock the axle in place. (Mentioned in first reply) Does someone have a picture of the special tool? It is in every manual I've seen made for the Z. It is used when replacing the rear bearings. Trouble is, I can't find any of my manuals to get a picture!

If memory serves me this nut is torqued to 180 ft-lbs. Not having a manual I would refer to one or one of us with a manual before reassembly.

As for the second problem try some penetrating fluid first. (Parts blaster etc...) Allow it to soak for a day or so. If this fails you then a torch should help liberate it. (Think I had to torch mine) Heat the OD of the assembly and try to keep the shaft cool. The temp differential will cause the parts to separate if they are rusted or if there is any interference fit. When I say "torch" I mean Oxyfuel/Acetylene rig as in a "real" torch. A propane torch would not heat it enough or fast enough. If using the torch get new bushings. You were probably going to replace them anyway right? The parts are removed when hot so that the expanded(heated) parts allow to others to slip by freely.

Take measures to ensure that you don't mushroom the bolt or damage the threads.

Hope this helps


As for the axle locking/pulling tool here is a pic I drew from memory. It's a simple tool made from plate steel. You attach a slide hammer to the tool when pulling the axle or insert a bar in it to lock the axle when using a breaker bar.


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Several members of this site make and sell a special tool for removing the spindle pin. With the tool it is a simple and painless job. Don't waste time with torches and such, find and buy the tool instead. You'll be way better off. Here's an eBay link to one of the member's auctions:


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