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The door and fender patch panels arrived the other day and I have a couple of questions. Should I overlap them using the flange or cut flush and butt weld. My concern with the flange is rust forming between the inside of the flange on the new metal and the old sheet metal of the door. I don't see how to treat this area after welding other than seam sealer applied to the joint afterward.Thanks



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After I measured the part of the door panel to remove six or seven times, I cut out the area to use the patch panel as it was designed-with the flange for attatchment(though I did shorten the flange a liitle).

I sandblasted the inside of the patch panel completely clean. Then, I ground the area that would be in the overlap area(of the flange)of both the door and the patch panel. I welded in the panel from the outside with successive stitch welds(added welds until the area was completely sealed), and did several small spot welds to the inside. Then I ground the outside slightly below flush.

Next, I taped the botom exterior of the door(the drain area)on both the door and the patch panel and flooded th overlap area with metal ready, rinsed it and allowed it to dry. Then I put down some plastic sheet and retaped the bottom of the door and flooded the area with POR15. I used a brush to work it in and did about five application over that day. By the end the POR had bridged the overlap, and there was on more place for water top get in-the overflow sealed the bottom door seam as well. I had to work on the side seams, and make sure the drains were not blocked-I let the first two application of POR dry normally in the drain holes, then I used a clean pipe cleaner to clear the excess as needed.


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Test fit the panel, cut as needed, than drill 1/8" holes in straight line than use cleko's to hold the panel in place.Then plug weld every other hole. After that remove the rest of cleko's and weld the seam....Or use butt weld clamp's. These tools can be ordered from Eastwood etc...

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I used POR Patch to seam seal the panels I repaired. The right quarter panel arch replacement and right inner fender well and frame box. POR Patch is POR 15 thickened to about the consistency of tooth paste. It does the same thing as Will did only is one step instead of several. I later over coated the whole area with POR 15. The repaired seams are blended and turned out really nice.

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