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Well, i just got back from talking to the guy, he has changed his price to 4K!!!! I took some pics of the car and here they are only of the actual pieces here and there, as the car's body itself is in perfect condition. all the chrome poieces have no dents and are shining!

Now here are some of the problems I notice. . .

1) When in park the car runs perfect, as soon as i put it in any gear I get a LOUD whining noise. Sounds like it is coming from the dash or somewhere next to the shifter.(it an automatic) As soon as i put it in neutral or park the noise goes away. I'm sure this is an electrical noise so what do you guys think? Bad ground, or something?

2) From a stop if i press the gas hard i hear a thump of some sort in the back of the car. Sounds like the Diff or something is moving? I looked under the car and the diff isn't in the best condition, but if i hit on the gas while driving, the car won't make the noise it just picks up and goes.

3) I think i may need to replace a few springs in the throttle system, becuase i opened the hood and cranked the level for the throttle and let it go but it got stuck at 3500 rpms! I jumped into the car and blipped the throttle and it dropped back down to around 850-900. Any advice on that?

4) There seems to be a little rust here and there under the car, but from what it looks like that's it! I didn't take any door panels off or the rear hatch pastic stuff, but i pulled up the caperting and the sound deading stuff and it looked like everything was perfect. Allthough the driver side under rail has a dent in it that looks like a mechanic tried lifting the car up from it. I took a picture.

Well, that's it. here are the pics. . .

Here is something i didn't know, I saw it and asked the owner and he told me that the red little switch gives more gas to the carbs when switch down.( i didn't know how to test this, but maybe someone here could give me a way?) Dash.jpg

Here is the bend in the driver side rail i was talking about. Is it bad enough to warrant a weld on new rail?


Here is the cracks in the dash up on top where the gauges are. All the gauges work fine, and the needle stayed right in the center for the temp the entire time after it warmed up.cracks.jpg

This was the WORST rust that i could see on the entire car!!! It was taken from the driver side wheel well. Don't know what it really is from this angel, but hope one of you can shed some light.Driversidewheelwell.jpg

Here are the tears in the driver side seat. These are the only tears on the entire interior, and was wondering if they could be fixed? And an idea of how much$$?



Here is another shot of the driver side rail in the far back of the car. doesn't look bad enough to warrant a re-weld, but i'm no specialist. Any ideas?


And here's another shot of the driver side rail at the front.


Now this car has only had 1 original owner, and on the odo. only has 36739 as the reading. The car was, like i said in my first post, storaged for over 19 years in CA. I asked him if they ever got a undercarrage spray after pulling it out of storage and he said no. The car has EVERYTHING original on it. The only thing that has been worked on is the engine. The shocks are a little old but still work fine, and it has the original radio along with working antenna. :) So, what do you guys think? Do you think I should pay the extra 1K and fork up the 4K he's asking? Or do you think it isn't worth the money? I need opinions! Please get back to me asap, as i am anxious to buy the car. He has actually offered me only 700 down, and at least 500 a month, but must be paid off within 6 months. So, what do you think? Let me know


Not too many folks in Orange, CA? I beg to differ. Only one of the, if not THE, largest distributors of Z parts is in Orange. They are MSA and located on Collins near Batavia. I work in Orange and live near Irvine.

Trust me, Hybridz.org is full of information. While there are many opinions stated on the forum, you have to do a lot of searching and reading to find everything you need.

hello people. I too am new to the site and i just recent ly have bought a 73 datsun 240Z, the car has seen better days but the engine is in great condition, from what the owners told me, they have the original L24 on it with N42 head and the original SU carbs. but the body needs some extra attention. all the rubber on the car is rotten and the interior needs all the trimmings. i dont even know where to start on her.

The first thing i wanna know i swhere can i find the axles for this vehicle because the boots on both sides are torn and needs replacing. I was talking to another Z enthusiast and he told me that the axles from a 280Z would work better and stronger. If so, what year vehicle should i get this from? i really want to get it done but the shops are talking about $400 just to replace em, and i really wanna put in the wrench time on her. it gives me something to do on the weekends... hahahaha so pls fellow Z owners, can you give me some tips on how to do this?

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