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Yes you could put A new motor in. But the chance of it working is 50/50. Most of the time its more then just that wrong. Hell its over 20 years old.

You can buy A power antenna at just about any auto parts store that will fit just fine. There is tons of room in there and the new ones today run much faster and fluid like with far less noise.

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As far as buying an off the shelf replacement antenna, you need to know that the majority of antennas out there may not be wired according to the car's wiring design.

The original antenna used the ground AND two wires to operate it. The antennas I've found at the parts stores typically use two wires INDEPENDENT of the ground, i.e. they do not require grounding. The original Z antenna reversed direction depending on which of the two wires was "live" with the other "wire" being the ground. Newer antennas invert the polarity to the pair of wires to reverse the operation.

The problem is apparent ONLY if you use the original antenna switch or the car's wiring. If you've changed the radio, or are planning on rewiring the antenna circuitry, then by all means, go find one at the car parts store, it is much cheaper than trying to repair or replace the original.


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