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Gauge Not working, Whats Wrong?

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The very simple method of troubleshooting.

"Good in, Bad out you've found the culpritt"

I'm not yet an owner, but I am an Electronics Tech. Granted, $50,000 radars aren't auto gauges but they're pretty close.

What's the one thing they have in common?

A. power?

B. are they in the same cluster?

I don't know

If they are (B) If they're hooked up properly the chances of both senders being bad are slim. Most likely the Cluster should be replaced. The Gauge Voltage Regulator that the Haynes manual is refering to is more than likely in the cluster.

If I couldn't be any farther off even if I lived in a closet let me know.

The two most common problems on our boats are

A. It's not plugged in


B. Grounding, you've got to have a good chassis ground.

Happy hunting and good luck!!! :cross-eye

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