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O.K. I've read dozens of threads on blower motor problems .

They seem to deal mostly with 240 's .

I have a ' 75 280 and the fan will turn if I apply an external power source.

Will not turn with the switch

My console wiring is a bit of a mess dry rotted connecters.. and a few cut wires. I was wondering if the blower motor was suppsed to have an inline fuse holder under the console like the earlier models?

I have looked over the wiring diagram for the 280Z and I cannot see a fuse holder , assume it would be shown.

Um I also have the little rotary control over my right knee for the air conditioning, once again I have no wiring for this.. are these units linked and that is my problem? Or are they independant of one another.

Hopefully finishing up with my console this weekend any help would be greatly apprecited


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O.K. so its a good news bad news thing.

So I managed to get the fan working . (good news)

It was a lot of work for nothing very complicated, (See pic # 155), I completely scaped the heater controls facia panel , console for about the fifteenth time and couldn't find anything wrong and was contemplating taking down the duct controls when I discovered I'm an Idiot . (bad News)

Ahh, so I had previously decided / interpreted that the missing fuse from the fuse box labelled (A/C)

to have zilch to do with the fan / heater switch. You know that sound that Homer Simpson makes when he does something stuipid - Duooh. Well make that sound now.

So next phase, help me to interpret the wiring diagram

Have a look at the attached .jpg of the wiring diagram

And based on that what is Pic #153

A) the Thermo Switch for airconditioning

B)Control Switch for Air conditioning

C) Fan switch for Air Conditioning

Based on the fact that I have no wires coming to or from the item in # 153

could I be missing a portion of wiring harness? I have spent a considerable portion of time upside down with my feet in the air and the back of my head on the drivers side floor so I am reasonably sure it ain't there or tucked away somewhere, I replace the speedo cable a couple weeks ago and would have noticed a harness with nothing connected to it.

I would really appreciate some thought here guys






I also have a dealer installed A/C, with a similar switch. I think it is a combination of your A and B, in that it controls how often the compressor cycles, in order to regulate the temp.

I say think, as my A/C is currently not working, but a similar unit I had in another car operated in that fashion. Fan speed was controlled with the factory switch.


One wire on the back of that knob sends power to the A/C clutch. The other wire receives power from the fan switch thorough a microswitch that only allows power to go through when the top lever is in the off or vent position. The copper tube senses temperature at the evaporator and turns off the compressor at different temperatures depending on where the knob is set which also prevents the evaporator from freezing up.

One wire on the back of that knob sends power to the A/C clutch. The other wire receives power from the fan switch thorough a microswitch that only allows power to go through when the top lever is in the off or vent position. The copper tube senses temperature at the evaporator and turns off the compressor at different temperatures depending on where the knob is set which also prevents the evaporator from freezing up.


Thanks buddy , that is exactly the kinda concise answer I was looking for, I will give it a whirl and keep you posted on any developments.

Blox out

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