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Well, I was driving on the freeway, and it was VERY VERY HOT OUTSIDE. I decided to turn my car around and head home for the day. I was sitting at a stoplight and when i took off, my car made a HUGE backfire and all of a sudden all my gauges except for my MPH gauge went out. I looked at the fuse box and the third down from the left top was blown. I put a new 20 amp in there and turned the car back to on, and then bam it went out again! What's going on here guys? Did a wire blow up and now i got a short? Please help me!

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Check (in descending order of probability):

A. Hazard Switch, also known as the Four Way Flasher. This is right upstream of everything you've mentioned.

B. Fuel Pump (if equipped)

C. Inline Fuse for the Fuel Pump.

Or A & C since they're together then B.



I just found the problem!! I can't imagine how, but a green white next to the distributor go INSIDE the distributor and was shorted out from the spark!!!! I pulled it out, replaced the fuse, and BAM! FIXED!! I'm still trying to figure out how the hell that happened. I think I am going to need to get some new points, since this probably messed them up. I'll be checking the Dwell in a little while.

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