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My thinking was to "flip" the car. Trade for it (no tradebacks, yo!) clean it up some, freshen where you can, then sell it. Happens all the time--purely economics-driven...Hit to the insurance would be minimal, the profit would be reasonable, and you'd have an opportunity to buy a better Z or some other car you'd like to have more...



My thinking was to "flip" the car. Trade for it (no tradebacks, yo!) clean it up some, freshen where you can, then sell it. Happens all the time--purely economics-driven...Hit to the insurance would be minimal, the profit would be reasonable, and you'd have an opportunity to buy a better Z or some other car you'd like to have more...


Ditto that one.

If a Z must be sold, let it be for another Z.

i.e. Z - Vett - Faster Z !

Jus think, 7K can get you a SR20 swap and some change.


I called up the dude today and took it for a spin. Its in comperable shape to my car overall I'd say. He has all the original documentation that came from the dealership including the window sticker. It runs very nicely but needs a break job and the AC fixed. My friend came along and got some pics he'll email me and I'll post them when I get em. I really don't know what to do!!!!! Everybody just says, "Wow, thats a tough call"

Their must be something wrong with it. Like they said 7k for the vette 3k for the Z. Why doesn't he sale it then? Just because you test drove it doesn't mean he didn't make a temporary fix just to unload it.

Well a Z is hard to come by around here. Since I bought mine 3 years ago I haven't seen any other S30's for sale anywhere in the area. He does have it parked on the corner with a sale sign in the window, so its not like he's giving me an exclusive deal here. The car is avalible to anyone, I guess he just like my Z. The breaks are pretty much gone, so they do need work. Maybe he is just hard pressed to find a Z. Here are some pics of it






I did what you are about to do in 1980, however I kept my Z car (because I could), and boy am I glad I did. That 1975 Vette was a peice of crap. Had a hopped up motor and all but was not the car the Z is. The Vette did not have the leg or luggage room of the Z, every thing squeeked on it from the hood, seats, doors, the T-tops and and they leaked along with the back window. The newer paint cracked within months and after a re-paint it started to crack again. Blew 2 water pumps, and boy that was a chore. I gave 7K in 1980, owned it for 3 years put 2K in it and sold it for 5K? had it on the busy hi-way for months before it sold. Bad economy, remember? Out of all the cars I have every owned the Vette was the biggest mistake. I am so glad I kept the Z, twice the car at half the price! Paid $2600 in 1977. Anyone can drive a Vette, everyone knows what they are and about what they're worth, but take an older Z and some people are left scratching their heads, and I like that.

This was MY experience with a Vette, it will be up to you to regret buying or selling. "Memories of what we once had are stronger than memories of what we could of had." unk

Bonzi Lon

I did what you are about to do in 1980, however I kept my Z car (because I could), and boy am I glad I did. That 1975 Vette was a peice of crap. Had a hopped up motor and all but was not the car the Z is. The Vette did not have the leg or luggage room of the Z, every thing squeeked on it from the hood, seats, doors, the T-tops and and they leaked along with the back window. The newer paint cracked within months and after a re-paint it started to crack again. Blew 2 water pumps, and boy that was a chore. I gave 7K in 1980, owned it for 3 years put 2K in it and sold it for 5K? had it on the busy hi-way for months before it sold. Bad economy, remember? Out of all the cars I have every owned the Vette was the biggest mistake. I am so glad I kept the Z, twice the car at half the price! Paid $2600 in 1977. Anyone can drive a Vette, everyone knows what they are and about what they're worth, but take an older Z and some people are left scratching their heads, and I like that.

This was MY experience with a Vette, it will be up to you to regret buying or selling. "Memories of what we once had are stronger than memories of what we could of had." unk

Bonzi Lon

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