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My 1973 Z has developed a high pitched bird like chirping that speeds up and slows down with the vehicle's speed. It sounds like it is coming from the front, passenger side area. The sound is not influenced by engine RPM(when engine is gunned in neutral while driving at speed or sitting stationary). Applying the brakes(either the brake pedal or the emergency brake) does not change the sound. Driving in a tight circle in either direction has no effect on the sound. The pads and shoes have plenty of meat left. Closing or opening the air vents has no effect on the sound. The heater fan has no effect on the sound. Opening or closing the windows while moving has no effect. Two years ago I installed a complete urethane bushing kit and replaced all wheel bearings. This noise didn't start until about 9 months ago. Has anyone had any similar experience with animal sounds emanating from their Z? Any suggestions other than filling the tank with bird seed? Victor.

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Jack up one of the rear wheels till its off the ground and for safety block the front wheels. Start it up and spin the wheel to see if the sound is coming from the u-joints or anything in the drive line. Dont rev it too much as the wheel will be spinning twice as fast as the speedo says.

Good Luck

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G'day there mate, how's things?

From your post, it seems that you've already covered everything mechanical.

This might sound silly but, ... Have you made any modifications to the front of the car ??? I'm just wondering if the noise could be made by the wind. (No pun intended on your avatar).

I can't for the life of me think what could be causing the noise made by wind but you know your car best.



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You mention that the noise changes with the car's speed, yet you mention revving the engine while stationary and that NOT affecting the sound, which leads one to believe the sound is still present while stationary.

Did someone change one of your spark plugs to one of the prank ones available years ago that would do just that....whistle?

Or could there be an air leak (vacuum or pressure) that is whistling as it vents? Checked the exhaust system?

Or maybe as Rick put it, could someone have stuck a Deer Whistle on your car and that's what you hear? Can anyone else hear it?


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Thanks for all the guesses. The sound definitely is not present when the car is stationary. If it were something hanging up on the brakes, you would think it would change tone or even stop when I apply the brakes. The sound really does sound like it's comming from the front wheel well. No mods have been done to the car(other than the bushings, and I did use the included grease when I installed them), so I don't think the noise is being caused any change in suspension or aerodynamics, unless maybe some rust has sneaked in and caused a whistling hole somewhere. I've been eating mild foods lately and I don't have any grand kids yet to pull my finger, so "ill wind" is not likely. All U joints were replaced about 3000 miles ago, so that seems unlikely. I think I will have to give in and maybe check and readjust the right front wheel bearing and check those calipers at the same time just in case. The exhaust or vacuum leak is a possibility, but the sound sure seems like it is a rotational type sound. The spinning the rear wheel idea might at least eliminate the U joint possibility, even though they are new. I do need to have someone tell me if they can hear the sound from outide the car and maybe they can confirm if it is coming from the right front. I never saw or heard a whistling spark plug(except a Model T compression whistle), but I did wire one of those whistling smoke bombs to the spark plug on my sister's 64 vette. Even after 43 years I have to laugh remembering that shocked expression as her new vette was going up in smoke(or so she thought). So cruel, heh, heh, heh. Thanks again for the help. Victor.

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