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$50 for a used unknown to be working 1980zx with E12-80 module distributor. Pulled from a wrecked ride. If it doesn't work are they cheap to fix?


$70 for a 1981-1983 N/A Distributor with E12-92 module that looks brand new and works and then $50 for the E12-80 module. Plus can this combo even work?

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The two things to watch for in a used distributor are worn (sloppy) shaft bushings, and bad vacuum advance units. Both can be dealt with, but replacing bushings is fussy work and the advance unit isn't what I'd call a cheap part. A replacement advance unit may cost more than the used dizzy itself.

Yes, you can put an E12-80 on a later dizzy that came with the E12-92, I've done it.

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