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Hi all,

Looks like I'm fast becoming a Quality Surveyor with my panel shop. The new floors are in but he has omitted to extend the two rear pan support plates (shown in the attached photo to the right). Can one of nice chaps take a close up of both sides and reply to this thread with measurements as well.

Also the two pan support channels have holes in them (shown in the attched photo to the left). I have new channels on mine and he's not noted where they old ones were. Can someone also let me know how far from the TC rod bracket these are and also the diameter. Looks like M10 to me but I want to be sure. Are these holes open or are bungs installed?

This is a case of a panel shop removing rusty bits and throwing them away before fitting the new ones. Grumph!!!!

Cheers all.


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How sad is THIS:nervous::nervous:

That car is STILL up on the rotisserie:tapemouth

Anyhoo, rear panel is 220mm x 120mm tapered to 100mm at the rear as per pic.

Located 50mm inboard of the edge of the floor rail.

Front hole is 460mm from the edge of the T/C rod mount.

Not critical in location, 10mm diam and only a drain hole.



Cheers for that but it's a bit small to print and get good quality. Any chance that you could take a bigger pic and post. I'll be printing it on A4 so something under 1MB would be OK but no less than 500KB. My panel guy needs big pics.

The drain hole info is great.

Located that camera yet Wil? Just kidding.

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