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difference in factory service manuals?

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Obviously there will be some differences between the years, however, the biggest differences will be along safety and emission and other changes that had to be made to the car as time went on.

For example, the 70 & 71 do not have retractable lap belts, yet the 72 does. The pocket on the floor pan for the retractable lap belt is just not there on a 70/71. The Choke "ON" light indicator, the Fasten Seat Belts and associated seat sensors. The later years also had variable wipers. These are items that will really throw you off if you are looking at a schematic and FSM's are year specific. i.e. no other schematics in there.

I won't comment on the engine portion as I don't work on the engine (body, electrical and paint are my strengths).

As far as mechanicals go, there won't be much difference at all. Transmission is a bit different (different shifter), slight variations in the carbs, manifolds and linkages, but for the most part they are alike enough to get by.

Biggest difference would be in the electrical, many of the wiring harnesses are not compatible between the years, however the basic wiring should be quite similar.

An FSM is better than some of the other manuals out there, so even if it isn't for the correct year, it's still better than a Chiltons manual!

If you can find an early Clymer's manual, specifically the one with the blue cover (It's actually a picture, but it is mostly sky behind it.), this one will cover to 74 if I recall right. This is one of the best aftermarket manuals in my opinion.

Like the FSM it has a lot of detailed drawings. Like the FSM it also gives specific how to instructions. Unlike the FSM it doesn't have some of the more specific procedures but it generally does have everything in the FSM.

Careful about the RED cover Clymer's. Although the engine and GENERAL car information is there, there is no electrical section or body working section. i.e. no wiring and no interior or exterior part removal. In my opinion, this one is about in between the Haynes and Chilton's.

Haynes, in my opinion is a very generalized and boiled down version of the FSM.

Chilton's? I have it, rarely use it, keep it only in case of wanting a 3rd reference. The few times that I've used it, it might have as well have said, Part Broke? Fix it.

Just my 2¢

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