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wonder what defines collector?

must be for another thread!


from here looks like your paint man knows what he's doin.

i'm not sure what's under the hood on the 810... L24E insteadof L28E?




another thread.


if i had the elbow grease i'd strip my own car as well.

enjoy your night.

nice chattin w/ya..............................

btw, made a finaL decision on colour today.

MATADOR RED MICA................:love:

can be seen on the '07 Lexus GS350..............

i'm keepin all my chrome...

...and it's (colour is) tight w/ chrome and black.

i'm in.

they prime tomorrow...

i'll have pics.



welcome to the club Jill. Darbji's gonna be thrilled to see another 76 280z girl onboard. And I'm stoked as well cuz I got a 76 280z too!

DAMN RIGHT i am. Welcome sister. You sound like you love your Z as much as I do. Hey, e-mail me. Darbji280z@yahoo.com


i finaLLy hear from the infamous YOU!

...i was so rocked out (sounds so "gay" yet the onLy phrase that describes my joY) to see that there was aLreadY a (hot, nonetheless) chick involved heaviLy w/ the cLassics : )


you are SO "aLright" by me...

dang, GirL, the bug bit you YOUNG!


myself, as well...


got your EmaiL and will maiL you in a min...


i saw my punkin waiting patientLy for paint today...

i feLt so bad for her...

it's Like sending the dog to the kenneL...

they don't reaLLy know if they're coming home...

she's amaZing, tho...

not a bump to be seen...

great to see her.

aLright, Sweetie...

thanks for the "welcome"

...chaZat soon :cheeky:



i've looked at your Zpics...

you're car is HOT darlin...

HeeeeeeeLL yeaH!

Loooove the BLue...


i'm keepin my CLunKY (i like the darned thangs) 280 bumpers ...



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