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Sailor Bob , to keep the moose and for that matter most wildlife away from the trees and garden try hanging a small bag of mothballs '' I know , you will need a little knife to get at them '' from a nearby tree and the smell will deter most animals from getting in the garden . My parents are ranchers in northern BC and this is how the protect their small orchard from the bears and I hear this is the same way the ganga farmers on Van island protect their plots from the deer !

Give it a shot and let us know how it works out .


Thanks for the tip Chris - I will try it. As much as I like seeing them, it grinds my gears to see the damage they do each year. My neighbour has more damage than me - you snooze, you lose.

Latest sightings were at 0630 - my son nailed them in the butt with flat head pellets (from the deck) - doesn't break their skin or scare them much, but they seem to get irritated enough to leave though.

The biggest threat is on the highway though - best aid is "reduce speed".

Ron - thanks, I'm still pretty quick on my feet :)

Edited by Sailor Bob

About a week ago I was enjoying a glass of wine on the deck after dinner and a moose walked by the deck not 10 feet away...... amazing

The moose crossed the creek and waded into the lake where it started eating weeds off the lake bottom.

Elk, Deer, Bear, racoons, porcupine, raptors. .... now moose

I saw some scat a couple of months ago that seems strange... Looked it up

on the internet ... moose... Saved a digital picture for my wife's computer



If the moth balls don't work, try hanging a print out of this on your trees. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showfull.php?photo=13184 I am sure they will run for the hills then.

This one looks kinda scary to :paranoid:


The original owners of my "Precious" told me that, a couple of years after they bought her, thay hit a bull which rolled over the top of the car, covering it in sh!t, picked itself up and wandered off into the scrub. The only damage to "Precious' was a dent in the bonnet (hood) and in the roof, just behind the top of the windscreen.

The main thing we have to worry about on country roads are kangaroos. I hit a big seven footer with my Chrysler Centura some years ago and had to replace all front panels.



Rick #1 - are you saying "Precious" passed under the bull? I'ld say that's the only chance a Z has - duck and pray.

Occasionally the front end will pass between the front and rear legs and the entire torso of the moose will enter through the windshield - thats what Z brings to my mind. The p/o was pretty lucky. Must have been a long legged bull or a jumper :)

Here's some pics of the latest event after leaving my yard to have a snack at the neighbours place at sun up:


A little breakfast


Mom and calf


My son, sending them on their way.

Edited by Sailor Bob

Hey there Rick#2,

That's the story the PO told me. Nowhere near as much fun as having a white cockatoo fly in the open passenger side window while traveling at 100kph.:tapemouth

Back in the late '60's when we lived in the Kosciusco National Park, we got to know the Park Rangers pretty well and I recal them telling me of a car that had run off the road, down a steep sided gully. When they climbed down to it they found the driver and his passenger in a hell of a mess with blood splattered all over the interior of the car, caused by the apparent death throes of a horse that had somehow gone through the windscreen hooves first. YUK !!!



About a week ago I was enjoying a glass of wine on the deck after dinner and a moose walked by the deck not 10 feet away...... amazing

The moose crossed the creek and waded into the lake where it started eating weeds off the lake bottom.

Elk, Deer, Bear, racoons, porcupine, raptors. .... now moose

I saw some scat a couple of months ago that seems strange... Looked it up

on the internet ... moose... Saved a digital picture for my wife's computer



Hi Biddljj,

Did you know that moose aren't native to Colorado? Back in 1980, moose from Wyoming and Utah were transplanted here. Just an interesting fact.

On our last Cruise one of our club members hit a deer. ''Bamby killer 2'' Sent the deer flying into the bushes . the only damage was a bent License plate two seat cushions and the jangled nerves of the driver and passenger. This was in the Oregon Cascades last Saturday. LOL Arne was there.

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