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MSA "Bullet" mirror installed

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Dude... are you frickin' serious?!?!?

Fine, you don't like the mirrors on his car. You've stated your point. In fact it takes little more than one post in which to do so.

Thank you for choosing to leave your car bone stock, it insures that there will be a few examples for us to turn to when we have questions as to how it was supposed to be nearly 40 years ago before four decades of previous owners and hack job mechanics got ahold of our Z's. But please stop with the mindless drivel about how anything other than how it left the factory in the land of the rising sun is wrong. In Japan/Nippon it was very common for them to indeed have fender mirrors. Along with that many didn't even leave the US dealerships without first having accessories installed, be it A/C, Aluminum/Magnesium Alloy Wheels, Dual Mirrors, Air Dams or Spoilers just to name a few.

As far as correcting spelling mistakes goes... "Catsup and catchup are acceptable spellings used interchangably with ketchup, however, ketchup is the way you will find it listed in the majority of cookbooks." courtesy of about.com. Please don't start such silly things as correcting spelling or grammar mistakes. Many of your own posts have mistakes in them as do mine. This site was never intended to be College Level English, just a means to share info about a common thread that bonds us all together. Look at the wide spread member locations of our site... US, Japan, Canada, Australia, UK (Hi Alan!), I saw a member pop up from Ireland not too long ago, South America, Germany, France, the list goes on and on and quite frankly I'm glad to be associated with a single thing that brings so many passionate people from all over the globe together in peace.

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Photos can also be uploaded to the sites Photo Gallery or even placed in a post as seen in BadDog's original post, but the pocedure above will get you started.

You've stated your opinion, you have now crystalized it for all of us, thank you, but please put an end to all the excessive postings that don't deal directly with the original topic... just as this one does not. {Sorry guys}

My unsolicited opinion,


Mike- If my post has come across in a manner inconsistent with our sites values, please edit or remove as neccessary.

But please stop with the mindless drivel about how anything other than how it left the factory in the land of the rising sun is wrong.

Amen, brother.

Seems like there was a poster from a year or two back who kept making the same kind of argument.....McKrack's posts are eerily similar, are they not?

So, your car is the pinnacle of perfection. Let us see it.....

I created a new thread for the purist vs modified. It is here: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28035

This thread is to discuss bullet mirrors.

I would, however, appreciate it if my posts didn't get removed. So this thread is to discudd bullet mirrors. Like it's the first time a thread has ever gone off topic!? We're not allowed to react to the things Mckrack, or anyone else for that matter, says? I keep it cool. I don't rant on and on like I may have a couple of years ago. I basically state my point and move on. I don't envy your job, Mike. You have to deal with everyone here, not easy, I'm sure. But, to create a thread that seems to somewhat cater to what took this thread off topic in the first place? I don't have a solution but I can see why some long time members have gone elsewhere.

I can tell ya that Mike had a good idea. If the topic went off the subject as the Admin he has the right to add his own topic there Steve don't ya think if you give it some time to think about. And a damn good thread he started. Join in the fun there Steve the water isn't that cold. Don't make it that way.

I don't need time to think about it nor do I want or have I ever asked for advice from you. If you'd quit trying to bait people maybe you wouldn't get the reactions that you get. Do what you want. I don't really care. That's just an observation, not advice.

That's true you know. Steve shouldn't judge he should just particpate.

An unnecessary comment, in a thread that went away a week ago. Mckrack, if you have some insight with regard to a particular post, it would be great to hear from you. Different perspectives and experiences are what this board is all about.

But purposeful antagonization, for no reason at all, is pretty boorish and childish. I mean, adults don't ring people's doorbells and run...that's something that kids do. Get my drift?

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