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I don't know if its color or luck. I was in my brown 72 240Z and got stopped doing 65 in a 45 = ticket. Got pulled over in my green P.O.S. Saturn doing 73 in a 55 and didn't get a ticket. However I got pulled over doing 51 in a 45 in My Maroon 04 Dakota and got two tickets....

I harvested a ticket for 69 in a 35 in a very pale yellow '68 Plymouth Fury. The cop was actually a pretty nice guy for handing out a $400+ ticket...and I have a feeling he knocked it down below double the limit so I wouldn't get my car impounded and spend a night in jail. I have no way of telling since the 440 had just been dropped in and the speedo was still disconnected. :tapemouth

Never harvested a single ticket with my white '72 Fury...but then again, that had pushbars, spotlight, 5 antennas, and the plate read 'PRSOOT'. Did get pulled over once for 'looking suspicious because I was talking on a radio'. ...that's what the antennae are for, numbnuts.

I've picked up two tickets for being stupid with my white Z. Deserved it both times. Runnin' and gunnin' when and where I shouldn't have. One was right past a police station...STUPID.

Don't worry about your paint, worry about what you're doing, and keep good situational awareness. Don't look at your speedo as soon as you see smokey, just take your foot off of the gas. Run 'eyes out' and keep your eye on your mirrors if you insist on keeping a heavy right foot.

Every time I've been dinged, I never saw the officer that caught me until the lights were flashing in the mirror. Being stupid will do that...first one, I was having a bad day and letting out some frustration. Second one, I was pissed off that some 5th wheel trailers were blocking the road and driving 10 mph under the limit. I passed them, hung a rude gesture out the window, and had the hammer down so they wouldn't see me again. Third one, I was showing some zipperhead in a Maxima with dark tint, a crappy lowering job and loud stereo who was boss.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ticket, ticket, ticket. :stupid::stupid::stupid:

Being stupid gets you in far more trouble than having flashy paint does.

Color doesn't seem to matter too much as what it's on. I've been pulled over once with with my beige Lexus 4-door and white Camry wagon and got off without a ticket. But I did get one while driving my hot-rodded blue Toyota Corolla.

A friend of mine routinely got paced by the police in his yellow 944 driving 55 mph, but never so much attracted any attention doing 75 mph in his black BMW 533 or maroon Jag XJ6 with a 350 Chevy conversion.

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