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Help Help FIRE ! ! ! !

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My 1977 280Z has a fusible link that keeps smoking like it's trying to catch fire!

When I first got the Z it had no fusible link covers on either pair of links.

Anyhow when I bought new Fusible link covers the rightside (outer most) link in the front box started smoking with the cover on it.

The cover also had a melted hole on the top where the link was in contact physically.

So I bought new MSA links ,which are shorter and don't touch the covers, and replaced the old ones and new covers (again) as well.

Yesterday I gave my car a jump cause of a dead battery then 5 minutes after letting it run on it's own the same Fusible Link started to smoke AGAIN :hurt:

Turning off the engine I took the covers off and the smoke started to go way leading me to believe it has something to do with the covers because last time this happend the car was still running when I took the covers off and the smoke stoped.

The wire on the link is not burned through all the way but the rubber linning is burnt crispy.

What's going on here?

Is there a bad fuse connection, overcharging, power surge, fuse or what?

Thaynx for any help guys


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How low was your battery? Does it hold a charge? If your battery is weak you might be overworking the alternator since it's main function is to maintain the battery's charge, not charge it. Do you have the right fusible link in that position? The link you described is the one for the Alternator/Ignition relay (Black-80A, front box, closest to the fender). Make sure you don't have a Red-50A link there.


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How low was your battery? Does it hold a charge? If your battery is weak you might be overworking the alternator since it's main function is to maintain the battery's charge, not charge it. Do you have the right fusible link in that position? The link you described is the one for the Alternator/Ignition relay (Black-80A, front box, closest to the fender). Make sure you don't have a Red-50A link there.

Ahh, that might be it.

Battery is from 2004 and was left with the inigtion switch in the ON position by mistake for

a day or two while it was sitting waiting for parts to come.

Battery was so low the Rally Clock was stuck making a whiny noise and nothing would

light up or make a sound when I tried to start the car.

The wire you mention is a Black one like in the diagram so it may be time for that

battery to go which is something I been wanting to do.

Never knew it was that bad though.

My pal Miguel (who spotted the smoke) did mention it could be to much charge from revving the

gas could be it.

But he, like me, didn't know anything about the low battery and alternator thing.

Learned something new I guess,

Now off to Sears I go (another excuse to hit on the receptionist :D )


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